View Full Version : Pain in rib area - scared!

16-10-18, 17:41
I’ve been doing so well with my HA of late, but this week it’s come back in full force and I’m really not coping well.
It started late last week when I began getting stomach ache on my left hand side. I’d feel bloated and also have discomfort around the bottom of the ribs. I tried to stay calm and take ant acids etc. which seemed to have got rid of most of the stomach ache, but the discomfort in the ribs has stuck around.
It’s hard to describe the feeling. It’s not a pain per se, but more discomfort and a dull ache in and around the left rib area – specifically at bottom of the left side at the front and also higher up and further around towards the back area.
Since this is the HA forum, I’m obviously fearing the worst. I’m terrified I’ve either got pancreatic or bone cancer. I’ve tried to make an appointment at the doctors but they can’t fit me in for a few more weeks. I've also had a bad leg, that's not been getting any better over the past few weeks (even after seeing a physio), so I'm worried that might have something to do with it if it's to do with the bones.
Please help!

16-10-18, 18:05
I have this exact same thing! Do you mind me asking, have you had a baby recently? Or do you have your children? Is it worse while driving or sitting?

16-10-18, 21:58
Well I'm a guy, so if I'd have had a child I'd be more worried about that :)

In terms of when it's worse. It varies. I can sometimes go a few hours without any symptoms and then they'd suddenly flair up for a while.

Currently it's slightly achey in the lower ribs and around the back. I did have some bloating but have taken some peppermint oil to try and help it.

Do you think bone cancer be in more than one place at once?

16-10-18, 23:53
I let my bone cancer fears go when I realized that I feel better at night and with rest. I had tests for pancreatic enzymes, which came back normal. I also have another injury but I don’t think it’s related because they bug me at different times. Do you think yours sounds musculoskeletal? It sounds like it to me. That’s what my doctors said about mine I just never believe them....

17-10-18, 19:14
I’ve been doing so well with my HA of late, but this week it’s come back in full force and I’m really not coping well.
It started late last week when I began getting stomach ache on my left hand side. I’d feel bloated and also have discomfort around the bottom of the ribs. I tried to stay calm and take ant acids etc. which seemed to have got rid of most of the stomach ache, but the discomfort in the ribs has stuck around.
It’s hard to describe the feeling. It’s not a pain per se, but more discomfort and a dull ache in and around the left rib area – specifically at bottom of the left side at the front and also higher up and further around towards the back area.
Since this is the HA forum, I’m obviously fearing the worst. I’m terrified I’ve either got pancreatic or bone cancer. I’ve tried to make an appointment at the doctors but they can’t fit me in for a few more weeks. I've also had a bad leg, that's not been getting any better over the past few weeks (even after seeing a physio), so I'm worried that might have something to do with it if it's to do with the bones.
Please help!

What do you do for a living? I work at a desk and stare at monitors and I have a tendency to lean to my right a little and for the last couple of years I have found that my ribs on the side and back are less flexible than my left side. Maybe you have a posture issue?

17-10-18, 22:33
What do you do for a living? I work at a desk and stare at monitors and I have a tendency to lean to my right a little and for the last couple of years I have found that my ribs on the side and back are less flexible than my left side. Maybe you have a posture issue?

I also work in an office. My posture isn't great, to be honest. I slouch a lot at work and at home. Would bad posture cause these sort of symptoms?

17-10-18, 22:36
I tend to lean onto my left side whenever I'm at my computer, if I'm there for long periods of time. It can cause a lot of discomfort!

17-10-18, 22:43
I tend to lean onto my left side whenever I'm at my computer, if I'm there for long periods of time. It can cause a lot of discomfort!

I agree with this a lot actually. I went through something similar related to my right ribs once, convinced it was my liver. Had multiple blood tests and a CT scan come back fine. Then I began to notice I always leaned to my right...computer, driving, etc. I think posture has a lot to do.

18-10-18, 15:00
When I was in the middle of a bout of costochondritis and was concerned because the pain was in my back as well, my doctor showed me body maps of just how many nerves we have that run around the ribs. It's so easy for something like posture or bloating to cause pain in that area because there are just so many nerves to pick up on it.

18-10-18, 21:43
The bloating has now all but gone, but the aches in the ribs is still present.

This evening I've started to get aches in the centre of my back, which has really put me on edge and made me fear that I've got pancreatic cancer :(

HA sucks

28-10-18, 15:05
I've had what sounds like what you are describing for 3 months. Weird sensations along the bottom of the ribs, achiness on the side ribs (mostly left but sometimes right too) and I also have pressure near the middle of my chest. I've had many tests done, all fine, and like you I feel it at random times. Being bloated or not digesting well makes it worse for me too, it's like it's irritating the same nerves that are already irritated. I had the pancreatic cancer fear at first too (part of a long list of self-diagnoses), because my grandmother died from the disease almost a year ago. I wouldn't say my HA over this has cleared, but I have come to terms with it and recently have had a few days where the pain didn't happen as frequently which makes me hopeful it will go away. Best wishes that yours goes away!

28-10-18, 16:18
Wow so many of you have the same issues I have too. I thought something had to be wrong but I have had two ultrasounds and two rounds of bloods come back normal so I really think it does have to do with my posture sitting at work or driving because I tend to lean to my right side and slump in my chair. I think this is all of our problem really.

28-10-18, 16:49
I can sometimes go a few hours without any symptoms and then they'd suddenly flair up for a while.....I’m terrified I’ve either got pancreatic or bone cancer.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

29-10-18, 18:25
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

Fishmanpa, I know you post that quote often, and I just want to say it's helped bring me out of a crazy headspace NUMEROUS times. So thank you. :)

29-10-18, 18:35
Fishmanpa, I know you post that quote often, and I just want to say it's helped bring me out of a crazy headspace NUMEROUS times. So thank you. :)

It's true and you're welcome :) whenever a cancer thought pops into your head, read that.

Positive thoughts