View Full Version : Constantly Dizzy?

16-10-18, 18:00
This is a new one for me. I am constantly dizzy recently. It is not a vertigo feeling where the room is spinning but I just feel very wobbly and off-balance. Anyone else get this? It's making it hard to be at work.

16-10-18, 18:43
I’ve had this for six weeks. I went to the emergency room when it first started. I went to an ENT yesterday. He checked my hearing and still needs to do some more inner ear balance testing. He had me get an eye exam, which I did today and was fine. Finally, he ordered an MRI, which has not yet been scheduled.

When I’m not freaking out that I have a brain tumor, I’m honestly starting to wonder if it’s anxiety.

It’s a miserable and very disconcerting feeling, but it is mostly likely nothing life threatening. I’ve spoken to quite a few people who have had it. For them, it lasted anywhere from a few days to about six weeks. I hope you feel better soon.

16-10-18, 18:51
Hi I’m currently suffering with this. I’ve had a light headed dizzy feeling for 4 -5 weeks as well. I’m very anxious that it’s a brain tumour too. My other symptoms are shaky, jelly legs, feeling of pressure in my head, increased tinnitus and hyperacusis. I’ve had Health Anxiety for 40 years and the worries have never materialised into anything. This dizziness is the worst symptom ever. I’m waiting to see the Dr on Friday but worried I will be referred for MRI. I’ve also read of course that theses symptoms can be attributed to anxiety. I hope others on here can help with advice

16-10-18, 21:35
Yeah, it's already been a few weeks and some days its worse than others. I am going to the neurologist next week. I got an MRI last year when I was having other neurological symptoms and it was clear.

I hope it's just a stint. Although it's awful it's nice to know that people have had it and that it seems to be benign.

@WorriedWellorNot: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, you'd have more pressing symptoms if it was a brain tumor. Don't be worried about an MRI, get one! It'll give you peace of mind.