View Full Version : Only feel safe at home!

23-08-07, 11:28
I have a thing were I only feel safe at home.. I've just quit my job and I going to get help..

But I've been here before had the help everything a year or so ago and now Im back again.. One thing after another..

At the minute my house is my safe place. Once I get to their it gets better..

I need to learn to carry my safe place with me and within me. But cant at the minute.

23-08-07, 11:33
I can't carry a safe place either but when i'm out and about i make safe places like, one i get to the car i'll be fine, or it will go away by the time i get to the bench, it doesn't always work and i hardly get out now but i hope that you can find the help that you need.


23-08-07, 12:03
I can sympathise with you as I never feel safe when I am not at home. I never go out unless my husband or my dad take me somewhere, and somewhere is usually to my parents house or a friends house. I gave up work last year because of my illness, I just couldnt cope and felt guilty taking time off. I now attend a hospital 3 times per week and this has added some structure to my week. I understand how hard it is, whenever I go out I feel as though I have an ironing board attached to my back, I find it hard to breathe and I am just terrified. I am hoping that my confidence will grow and I wll soon be able to leave the house without fuss and do the things I used to do.
I hope you do get help soon because as you probably already know the longer you leave it the more difficult it becomes
thinking of you
Maria x

23-08-07, 12:42
Hi there,
I can completely sympathise with you.
"Safe places" are something we create when we feel scared or panicky, but unfortunately we *KNOW* that its no better off being here, there or anywhere. I was doing better than i am now and my safe place was a car, but now its gone back to being home. I need to break this way of thinking. Its SO hard though, especially when the fear of having a panick attack is so great.