View Full Version : Doctor found a bone tumor....

18-10-18, 14:56
A year ago my knee got hit and has had a bump ever since. I went to an orthopedist expecting in the worst case scenario I need knee surgery. Turns out it’s a soft tissue issue that physical therapy will help. I was fine until he said he saw something else on my X-rays he needed to tell me. My femur has what he thinks is a “benign” bone tumor. My heart sank and I felt like all my worst fears were coming true. You could see a decent portion of the bone wasn’t the same as the normal leg. The doctor claims it’s benign due to its appearance and how it isn’t well defined and said he sees about one a day that randomly get discovered and in 10 years he’s never had it end up being cancer. He wants me back in 3 months to do a follow up x ray to make sure it isn’t growing. All I can think of is that he’s wrong and that in 3 months it will be stage 4 bone cancer and my chance of survival will keep going down. I’ve been in tears since leaving his office and wish I’d never gone and this had never been discovered. This is going to be the longest 3 months of my life. I don’t even know what to do. I have a job interview this afternoon for my dream job and can’t stop thinking about this and how it’s irrelevant when in 3 months I’ll have to quit due to cancer.

18-10-18, 15:01
Hi there if the dr thought is was cancer you wouldn’t wait 3 months, he just wants you to go back just as precaution and to cover his back, they can tell by looking at these thing if it serious or not, go have your interview, get your dream job and stop fretting you are fine cx

18-10-18, 15:11
The word "benign" seems to have been ignored here.

Positive thoughts

18-10-18, 15:50
I have several friends with those....no biggie.

18-10-18, 15:52
These people are experts, they've devoted their education and lives to knowing what to look for, day in and day out in specialist fields. They have an eye for every variable, every detail, every symptom. They don't say 'benign' unless they are certain! If they have a molecule of doubt they do biopsies and so on. I can understand that you are running over the 'whats ifs' and doubting your specialist - but lets look at the good news here - you've been told it's BENIGN.

18-10-18, 16:48
Benign, sees one every day, in 10 years has never had one be cancer.

I feel like you’re ignoring the 99.999% here and jumping to the .001% worst case scenario...which the doctor has never seen in 10 years.

18-10-18, 17:23
If the doctor was even remotely concerned that it was cancer, he would 100% not be waiting 3 months. You are and will be okay :)

18-10-18, 17:52
The word tumour just means swelling, it does not mean cancer.