View Full Version : Was doing well... now the doubt is creeping back

18-10-18, 15:23
Hey everyone,

Been a while since I have visited. I have been worried about stomach/pancreatic cancer for almost two years now. It started in January of 2017, when I woke up suddenly burping 100+ times a day. I also developed reflux that I had never had once before in my life. I also experience regular bouts of nausea. For the first time, this caused me to develop health anxiety. I received counselling, medication etc.

Since developing this fear, I have had 4 endoscopes (they saw erosion in my esophagus from extensive vomiting I had in pregnancy and with food poisoning), 2 barium swallows, 2 abdominal CT scans, pelvic MRI, Abdominal MRI focusing on pancreas and ducts, multiple ultrasounds, gastric emptying study. My last endoscope, the doctor wrote that there were no abnormalities and my stomach looked very healthy.

I have been on PPI medication, which stops heartburn but does nothing for the burping. I literally burp waking up, drinking water, on an empty stomach etc.

***If worried about stomach cancer, I recommend not reading the next part***

As I used to search so much on google (this compulsion I have stopped, and it does help with anxiety), a post came up on my facebook (my husband told me its because of past googling) of a young man who had excessive belching only and was found to have stage 3 cancer. He also took PPI medication that stopped any discomfort but the burping wouldn't stop. Naturally, I look at the similarities in his story and worry that my case is the same.

I also remember reading that endoscopes miss like 10% of stomach cancers. This thought cannot leave my head.

My symptoms are still here two years later and I cannot get over the fear that something was missed.

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Do many of you doubt tests? How do you cope when symptoms persist?

18-10-18, 15:37
If you had these symptoms for two years, and are not dead or hospitalized, it is extremely unlikely you have or had cancer. You have had more imaging done than most actual cancer patients, all of which was normal.

The way to quit doubting the tests and the people who have spent combined centuries of many hours learning medicine, is to treat your anxiety. Are you doing anything about the anxiety?

18-10-18, 15:47
Thanks for the reply.

I even told my GI doctor my fear before my last endoscope, so she knew I was really worried it was stomach cancer. That's where her informal report told me that my stomach looks very healthy and no abnormalities were detected. Just why am I having these stomach issues??

As for anxiety, I have medication, a psychiatrist, psychologist and a therapist. I was doing really well until I saw the post of someone experiencing excessive burping and having stomach cancer.

18-10-18, 17:59
My dad had stomach cancer. He looked like a skeleton he lost so much weight ( he was around 8 stone for a 6ft man) and was terribly anaemic. You wouldn't be able to function after 2 years if you had stomach cancer.

19-10-18, 13:48
Hi Katie,

I am sorry to hear about your dad. I also feel bad worrying about these illnesses when others have been diagnosed.

Health anxiety truly is horrible.

I just constantly doubt the tests. I worry that everything has been missed. That I have a difficult to diagnose type.

19-10-18, 14:16
Don't feel bad. It's not you it's the HA that makes you doubt. I just wanted to reassure you that by now you would definitely have symptoms like my dad had. I hope you feel better soon.

14-11-18, 21:01
Hi Katie,

I am sorry to hear about your dad. I also feel bad worrying about these illnesses when others have been diagnosed.

Health anxiety truly is horrible.

I just constantly doubt the tests. I worry that everything has been missed. That I have a difficult to diagnose type.

Hi Casey,

I'm in the same boat as you, fearing a nasty disease after a clean US scan.

I've worried about liver/pancreatic cancer for a couple of months now. I initially had slightly abnormal blood tests, which upon the retest, were completely "perfect" 4 weeks later. Despite this, I didn't think the blood tests were a reliable indicator of ruling liver/pancreas issues. The doc ordered an ultrasound for my peace of mind, it came back clear, yet I still doubted the results for various reasons.

I'm currently seeing a CBT counselor with hopes of getting over my doubtful and intrusive thoughts. Fingers crossed.