View Full Version : Thought I was well past this.... (HIV panic)

18-10-18, 17:12
Hi everyone

My anxiety has been so high lately - literally jumping from one health concern to the next and not being able to rationalise any of them! Constantly phoning my mum or dad for advise and reassurance about things...

Anyway, for the first time in around 3 years I have suddenly had a major HIV panic. It happened while I was in the queue for the sexual health clinic to book a smear test (cervical screening), when suddenly it triggered me to start freaking out about when I had my last STD test, and reassessing any sexual encounters I had between the last one and my new partner. I've been with him for 2 years now, but before him had a few drunken encounters with various men... And I'm now thinking "Shit, what if I've given him something? What if I've had it all along? Did we have sex and I can't recall?! Etc etc".

I know I've had a lot of blood tests (liver function tests) in the past 2-3 years - would they pick up any abnormalities if I was to have HIV? I'm currently in a high state of panic and thought I was well past worrying about HIV - I used to get tested a lot during my uni days as I was paranoid about it.

Any words of wisdom from rational people right now would really be appreciated. SIGH.

Many thanks all

19-10-18, 04:52
Just get a test done for your own peace of mind, you don't need to tell your partner unless you want to.