View Full Version : Can’t cope with friends - stuck in my ways

19-10-18, 04:55
Having spent at least the last two years of my life trying to be perfect for everyone and following after them in their lives, I think I am finally on the cusp of packing this in now I feel I am on the verge of exhaustion and realise I am wasting my life. I don’t mean this selfishly at all but my friend (who my task alongside my therapist was to ask to come my way when I next see her) has just told me she’s feeling really low at the moment. Of course I have offered my support and advice but I should really go and see her (she lives a good hour and a half away) as it’s what I normally do. I feel I now have to put on hold my transitioning behaviour to protect her because she is someone I adore but she is used to the very submissive me who will be at every event, happy to do anything and I worry she won’t like the more assertive person I need to be to live my life. I need to be more ME. I regretfully feel that some of my ‘closer’ friends don’t know me at all - I have moulded myself to what I believe they want me to be. It’s goong to be very hard to do this as I have never argued, when I’m in company I always do what others want, etc. This is all my fault btw, people are only going to go off of what they’re given..... any tips on how I can move forward with this? Thanks

21-10-18, 14:06
Ooh this is a difficult one!
I don't have any advice but for what it's worth I think you're making the right decision and you're not alone in feeling like this. Your friends may suprise you in their reaction to you being more assertive and be totally supportive of you. If they do react negatively, know that it's not your fault and you'll find friendship again.