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View Full Version : ALS Concerns

19-10-18, 17:58
Hi Everyone!

I'm sure if you're reading this, you've had similar issues or concerns in the past or present. First off, thanks to everyone for participating in this forum. It's really helped me through health anxiety issues in the past. And yes, I've read ALS and why you don't have it many times. It's helped a lot but I definitely need another push.

As for right now, I'm at work and having a panic attack about ALS (I'm 24 years old).

For the last couple of weeks, I've been having some very slight coordination issues with my hands leading up to about six days ago when I painted for a friend. After painting, my forearms, wrists, and hands were very sore. Six days later, they're still sore after icing, wearing a brace, and taking ibuprofen. I've had issues with soreness in my forearms/wrists/hands before that eventually went away, but yesterday my right forearm started twitching and did all day. I know this is my anxiety, but I've still called my therapist, my doctor, my sister, and my girlfriend because I can't get it out of my head. I'm worried that because I'm having more difficulties texting that I have ALS. I've also noticed intermittent shaking in my hands but when I want to I can stop it. I think that is just part of my anxiety as well. Can anyone relate/help spread some positive words on this?

I'm concerned that it's more than just typical tightness in my forearms.

For the record, I've had anxiety about my health for the last 10 or so years going anywhere from cancer to schizophrenia and anywhere you can possibly imagine. Yes, I'm on medication and seeing a therapist bi-weekly. Yes that helps a lot.

On a separate note, I just want to give a shout out to those of you who are going through and reading these forums to help yourself. You aren't alone. Chances are, as you've probably seen, it's your anxiety doing the damage. You aren't alone. We're with you!


19-10-18, 18:05
Please read THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as often as you need to.

Positive thoughts

19-10-18, 18:32
Feeling week or feeling sore have nothing to do with ALS.
ALS would be if you physically couldn’t lift your phone to text, or a paintbrush to paint, or even button your shirt.

19-10-18, 18:57
ALS is just one of these rabbits holes that you have to keep away from. It is a deep one, trust me, I know. But read the sticky note. Everything you describe has to do with sensation and ALS has nothing to do with sensation.

20-10-18, 00:27
I’m stuck in the rabbit hole too, but with leg symptoms instead of arms.

I do read the sticky often and it is encouraging, but then I google and there’s tons of stories that contradict it. Then there’s stories that contradict the stories you just read...it’s never-ending! :(

I hope you feel better soon!

20-10-18, 00:46
Do you paint often? If it's something you never do I'm not surprised you're still sore six days later. It's a muscle movement you're probably not used to.

Turn it around. Instead of explaining to yourself why what you feel is due to a terrible disease, explain to yourself some normal reason your symptoms are what they are, and commit to that reasoning. Occam's Razor.

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