View Full Version : Love Letter For Significant Other?

19-10-18, 19:40
I've been with my fiancé for five years and have never written anything like this before in my life. Would your partner appreciate a love letter or love note? Life is busy and I don't see harm in taking a moment to show your appreciation for someone. I'm not very good with words so thought I'd take time to write something down. Any thoughts? In a world with a lot of negativity, struggles and heartache I'd encourage everyone to take a moment and simply say thank you to the ones you love whether it be family, friends or a relationship.

"Dearest Shani,

Life's too short and I want to write something for you today to let you know how much you mean to me and to show you that you're appreciated.

Before I met you I was at a low point in my life. I remember seeing a psychic who told me I would meet somebody soon. Looking back now, I can see that you're that special soul who was to enter my life at that point in time. I'm struggling to see how that can just be an accident or coincidence. You were also due on my birthday? The last five years have been a blessing and I'm so glad we've been able to share it together.

I know it can be hard to say in words but I'm so proud of you and will always stand by you, be there for you and love you through thick and thin. I appreciate every little thing you've ever done for me: Setting my alarms for me when I fall asleep; Putting a beer in the fridge for me when I get home from work; Heading to the pharmacy for me when I've been sick; Calling me on your breaks just to say you love me and see that I'm okay!

You've always accepted me for who I am and it can be easy to take for granted in life the things that matter most to us. I'm grateful for everything we've experienced which just makes us closer: Been completely broke together; Laughed together; Argued together; Moved into our first home together; Went on a holiday to New York together; Dreamed of a better future together. I've never known somebody I've cared for so much and wanted the best for.

There's only one of you in the world Shan and that's what makes you so so special. Your soul will always shine bright for me. Thank you.

I love you.

With all my heart I appreciate everything,
