View Full Version : Will this go away? It's been days now!

19-10-18, 20:24
Hi everyone - I'm basically freaking out that this anxiety spell is just not going to disappear by itself (as it always has in the past).

Last weekend, I drank a lot(!) after not drinking at all for 2 weeks ish... the anxiety, paranoia on the following days was through roof but seemed to calm down by about yesterday morning. I then had an HIV panic, simply after hearing the recorded phone machine go "If you require an HIV test, press 1"... which for some reason got me freaking out about that (something that hasn't concerned me for over 2 years!)...

Anyway, had a horrible panic attack last night, thinking I was going to have a heart attack as my heart was beating so fast. I went to the GP today and told him about my worries (he's aware of my past drinking problems). He refused to give me diazapam, but instead gave me Thiamine......

Do you think he gave me thiamine as he thinks I've already been affected by the thiamine deficiency (ie.the brain damage that alcoholics get as a result)...
Could this brain damage or "wernicke korsakoff syndrome" as it's known be causing this anxiety?

I'm so scared that this anxiety will now be a permanent state of mind for me as a result of the alcohol abuse and thiamine issues! So scared I've permanently damaged myself and that this feeling won't go away. Please help.

My GP was really unsympathetic and made me feel even more worried!

Thanks so much :'(

19-10-18, 20:40
Having looked at your post history, the bottom line is that you're hurting yourself with heavy drinking. The doctor didn't give you a benzo because he knows of your alcohol use and the two can be a lethal combination.

Real life help with your addiction as well as anxiety would be the most prudent way forward.

Positive thoughts

19-10-18, 21:15
You need to take a drinking hiatus and get your mind right.
No, the doctor doesn’t think you have Korsakoffs, thiamine is a B vitamin...B vitamins are known to reduce anxiety, brain fog, etc.

You’re stuck in a cycle of anxiety, drinking, hangxiety (hangover anxiety), repeat. You need to break it long enough to think clearly and make reasonable decisions.

19-10-18, 22:13
Thank you for the replies. I have tried to tackle my drinking several times before... I had not drunk for 2 weeks before last weekend's binge so I'm thinking maybe that is why I'm feeling so bad? I always had *awful* health anxiety from my teens before I'd even touched alcohol so it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation...

So @AMomentOfClarity, you don't think this most recent bout of anxiety is a permanent fixture? Like, last week's binge was the straw that broke the camel's back and now I've damaged my brain into having a constant state of anxiety? It's never lasted this long before and it's driving me crazy. So scared it won't go.. Thanks again