View Full Version : 99.9% sure I have a carcinoid tumor

20-10-18, 02:33
I went to the endocrinologist around 2 weeks ago about my low testosterone. He running a bunch of blood work to figure out why but I also told him about my facial and chest flushing I frequently have along with the stomach pain getting worse. He asked me if I ever heard of carcinoid tumor and mentioned the possibility I could have it and said he’s check for it.... I’m completely distraught that this is carcinoid I’m so scared... It would be pretty rare for a 28 year old male wouldn’t it??? I knew this was cancer :(

---------- Post added at 01:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:57 ----------

And the fatigue has really been getting so bad which tells me it’s probably spreading...

---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 ----------

Please anyone?!?

20-10-18, 03:43
My mom went through this scare earlier this year. She had symptoms and even some funky lab work. Dr did a full body CT scan and everything came back clear.

20-10-18, 03:44
[QUOTE=Hypo27;1831152]I went to the endocrinologist around 2 weeks ago about my low testosterone. He running a bunch of blood work to figure out why but I also told him about my facial and chest flushing I frequently have along with the stomach pain getting worse. He asked me if I ever heard of carcinoid tumor and mentioned the possibility I could have it and said he’s check for it.... I’m completely distraught that this is carcinoid I’m so scared... It would be pretty rare for a 28 year old male wouldn’t it??? I knew this was cancer :/QUOTE]

Seems like there might be some context missing since I don't see what screams tumor about facial flushing and stomach pain. Why did he think it was a carcinoid? Can you share additional details of what he actually said?

I am only familiar with carcinoid tumors in the lung but, from what I understand, carcinoids are slow growing cancers and not life threatening. Not the news anyone wants to hear but also not as devastating as "regular" cancers, and not likely to kill you.

I hope you don't have a carcinoid but take a deep breath and take it as it comes. You are far from knowing you have one and, if you do, it is most likely very survivable without huge impact on your life.

Keep us updated!

20-10-18, 04:23
[QUOTE=Hypo27;1831152]I went to the endocrinologist around 2 weeks ago about my low testosterone. He running a bunch of blood work to figure out why but I also told him about my facial and chest flushing I frequently have along with the stomach pain getting worse. He asked me if I ever heard of carcinoid tumor and mentioned the possibility I could have it and said he’s check for it.... I’m completely distraught that this is carcinoid I’m so scared... It would be pretty rare for a 28 year old male wouldn’t it??? I knew this was cancer :/QUOTE]

Seems like there might be some context missing since I don't see what screams tumor about facial flushing and stomach pain. Why did he think it was a carcinoid? Can you share additional details of what he actually said?

I am only familiar with carcinoid tumors in the lung but, from what I understand, carcinoids are slow growing cancers and not life threatening. Not the news anyone wants to hear but also not as devastating as "regular" cancers, and not likely to kill you.

I hope you don't have a carcinoid but take a deep breath and take it as it comes. You are far from knowing you have one and, if you do, it is most likely very survivable without huge impact on your life.

Keep us updated!

He told me that the flushing plus stomach pain and diarrhea could be carcinoid.... I read that it’s usually found pretty late and it is aggressive once it has spread which I think it has :(

20-10-18, 06:11
Seems like there might be some context missing since I don't see what screams tumor about facial flushing and stomach pain. Why did he think it was a carcinoid? Can you share additional details of what he actually said?

Agreed. I've never heard a doctor drop something like that on a patient... ever and I've been there/done that. Plus, a cancer that's ridiculously rare (1-2% of all cancers) and typically won't present as the symptoms described. I recognize this pattern of HA. I've seen it before. Curious as to why you waited 2 weeks before the post?

Positive thoughts

20-10-18, 06:12
I’m so scared :((((

20-10-18, 08:31
A 24 hour urine collection test is the first thing they do to look for certain markers. Have you done this yet?

20-10-18, 09:53
Hypo - did the doctor really raise this out of the blue or did you mention it first? Or were you pushing hard with a "could this be cancer?" line of questioning, and forcing them to speculate that it could?

---------- Post added at 09:53 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------

Also, while I'd also have my HA set off by it, a doctor testing to rule something out is a million miles away from them thinking you have it.

20-10-18, 14:22
2 weeks is an awfully long time for you, hypo, to sit on something that the doctor mentioned having to do with any kind of tumor. This might be something you've hyped yourself up with as a combination of googling and anxiety. I doubt any doctor mentions extremely rare cancers and sends you on your way without making sure it's been followed up on very quickly. I know you're in the US and I am as well. As a fellow HA sufferer, I know you can get whatever tests run that you need way sooner than 2 weeks if you're freaking out about it. You previously mentioned your appointment with the endocrinologist but failed to mention cancer. What are you looking for from this board? You always have really nice people respond that are either trying to help you see reality or reassure you.

20-10-18, 15:07
A 24 hour urine collection test is the first thing they do to look for certain markers. Have you done this yet?

I have to go back October 31 to get the labs done he mentioned the 24 hour urine test so I guess he ordered it. I saw my pcp a few days later and told him that the endo said there was a possibility I had carcinoid and he did a random urine for 5-HIAA but not sure that’s gonna show much because it’s suppose to be 24 hour right? The endo did say it would be pretty rare for me to have it but wanted to make sure it wasn’t.

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------

The reason he didn’t do labs the day I saw him is because he’s wanting to recheck my testosterone after I’ve been off the testosterone shot a few weeks so I guess I’m getting all the test done st once.

20-10-18, 17:37
The endo did say it would be pretty rare for me to have it but wanted to make sure it wasn’t.

OK. So while I totally get this isn't a good situation for a health anxious person to be in (I've been there), this isn't someone saying they are "99.9% sure you have a carcinoid tumor", it's saying it's a very long shot but they want to rule it out just in case.

While I get this is stressful, do you see how it's totally wrong for your anxiety to turn that into being certain the end is nigh?

I do appreciate first-hand how difficult this kind of thing is for people with HA, and I feel for you, hang in there. But try not to let your anxiety spin this into something it's not. At this stage it's dotting Is an crossing Ts on an outside chance, based on what sound like very vague symptoms. It's still vastly more likely to be something else, and with those vague symptoms probably even something and nothing.

20-10-18, 17:42
It needs to be a urine collection over 24 hours and there is a dietary exclusion list as well.

---------- Post added at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

I've recently been tested for carcinoid and I have a friend who has it. Your symptoms are nothing like hers if that's any comfort. As axolotl says, carcinoid is just being ruled out and your endo obviously wants to run tests for everything which is scary for someone with HA.

21-10-18, 16:18
I’m pretty sure this late stage cancer of some kind... The past few days I’ve been feeling bloated more than usual and after I eat it feels like food don’t digest... I cannot burp what so ever food will come right up :(.

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:10 ----------

Early satiety is the medical term for it I get so full and bloated only eating a small amount and what worries me the most is it just start a few days ago.. Could this mean it’s advanced??

21-10-18, 16:22
I’m pretty sure this late stage cancer of some kind...

You’ve been pretty sure to 99.9% sure you’ve had cancer for years now.....

21-10-18, 16:31
You’ve been pretty sure to 99.9% sure you’ve had cancer for years now.....

Why else would I all of a sudden have these severe symptoms? Getting full after small amount of food nausea vomiting undigested food...

21-10-18, 16:36
Why else would I all of a sudden have these severe symptoms? Getting full after small amount of food nausea vomiting undigested food...

Why did you have whatever symptoms you had 3 years ago when you were sure it was cancer? To quote Forrest Gump...shit happens.

21-10-18, 16:44
These symptoms plus debilitating fatigue can’t be anything good..

21-10-18, 16:50
These symptoms plus debilitating fatigue can’t be anything good..

When you get your diagnosis, let me know. I know of a great forum that offers support to cancer patients. It really helped me in my battle with the beast.

Positive thoughts

21-10-18, 16:50
These symptoms plus debilitating fatigue can’t be anything good..

Please...a year from now, you’ll be alive and well, posting to this same forum with another list of symptoms, and how you’re sure it’s cancer this time. It’s the same pattern you’ve been following for years and will obviously continue to do so.

21-10-18, 20:07
My internet doctor’s degree opinion differs with that diagnosis.

I’m 99.9999999999999999% sure this is late stage health anxiety.

21-10-18, 20:20
Yeah it doesn’t sound good. My friend had stomach cancer and you sound pretty similar to their symptoms. You need to get this checked ASAP before it’s too late. Not saying you have cancer just better safe than sorry you know?

If hypo got checked out “to be sure” every time he was worried about something, he’d never leave the hospital.

21-10-18, 21:15
What worries me is the sudden worsening of everything like the food just sitting on my chest and stomach pain...

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

I did recently have a ultrasound of my liver and gallbladder but o probably need a cat scan to show stomach cancer?

21-10-18, 21:33
What worries me is the sudden worsening of everything like the food just sitting on my chest and stomach pain...

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

I did recently have a ultrasound of my liver and gallbladder but o probably need a cat scan to show stomach cancer?

No, you need to speak to a doctor.

You should not be asking strangers on the Internet what tests you need, or telling doctors what you need.

I know it is hard but just accept you are in limbo right now and you need to give it up to your doctor. Follow his/her cues. He/she knows what tests you should start with, or if initial screening suggests you need a biopsy. A biopsy is the only thing that can tell you that you have cancer or not. You are incredibly far from that-- no one has even mentioned biopsy to you. I had a suspected sarcoma (palpable tumor in toe), but imaging showed no indication for a biopsy.

SOOOOOOOO, bottom line is you are jumping the gun big time. All you have right now are some symptoms, a doctor who brought up the C word, and no tests. With HA, it is hard not to do this, but you gotta sit tight and just see what the doctor says. In your position, I wold try to speed things up as much as possible just so you get it over with!

G/L-- and take comments on a message board with a grain of salt.

22-10-18, 00:10
Hypo, do you know Darkside? He is another member here who has HA as severe as you. It might be helpful for you to connect with him. So you can support each other in this struggle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-10-18, 14:46
Guys i'm really hurting today i'm getting sharp pain in my upper right stomach its trul worrying me so bad :(((. What should I do?

22-10-18, 15:08
Guys i'm really hurting today i'm getting sharp pain in my upper right stomach its trul worrying me so bad :(((. What should I do?

You're posting here waiting for a nugget of reassurance and I know just writing anything feeds that. Regardless, if you feel that bad, seek medical attention.

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 15:12
You're posting here waiting for a nugget of reassurance and I know just writing anything feeds that. Regardless, if you feel that bad, seek medical attention.

Positive thoughts

What could cause the sharp pains in the upper right area gallbladder maybe?

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I’m probably gonna go to the er but just hoping maybe someone experienced the same thing and could tell me possibilities you know?

22-10-18, 15:15
What could cause the sharp pains in the upper right area gallbladder maybe?

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I’m probably gonna go to the er but just hoping maybe someone experienced the same thing and could tell me possibilities you know?

Doesn't matter what anyone says. You won't believe it and this will go another 2-3 pages. If you feel that bad, call your doctor. Unless this is a real "emergency", stay away from the ER. If you can't see your doctor, go to Urgent Care.

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 15:22
God I just pray it’s anything but cancer you know? I’m so worried :(

22-10-18, 15:36
If you feel that bad, call your doctor. Unless this is a real "emergency", stay away from the ER. If you can't see your doctor, go to Urgent Care.

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 15:39
Thanks for all the advice and everything given I really appreciate it everyone. I’m gonna get the check at the er the pain seems constant now..

22-10-18, 15:43
Thanks for all the advice and everything given I really appreciate it everyone. I’m gonna get the check at the er the pain seems constant now..

If you feel that bad, call your doctor. Unless this is a real "emergency", stay away from the ER. If you can't see your doctor, go to Urgent Care.

Urgent care is a $50 co-pay on most insurance plans. The ER is thousands of dollars and for real emergencies. The fact you're posting here waiting for reassurance indicates a non-emergency. I suggest you call your doctor first.

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 15:44
Positive thoughts

I honestly just don’t have the money see a doctor right now I still have no insurance..

22-10-18, 15:48
I honestly just don’t have the money see a doctor right now I still have no insurance..

Then why would you incur a several thousand dollar bill at the ER? I see the urgency isn't that great now is it? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 15:49
Then why would you incur a several thousand dollar bill at the ER? I see the urgency isn't that great now is it? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Because I’m in a good deal of pain? I’m shivering and just all around do not feel good..

22-10-18, 15:53
Because I’m in a good deal of pain? I’m shivering and just all around do not feel good..

I’d say do what you need to do for you.....

But, threatening to go to the ER to a bunch of internet strangers in an attempt to garner crumbs of reassurance, which won’t help anyway isn’t really doing anybody any good.

22-10-18, 15:56
I promise I’m not looking for reassurance I’m really not I’m really just venting.. I honestly have around 20 dollars to my name I don’t think that gonna get me in anywhere...

22-10-18, 16:07
the CBT4Panic course offered on here is free.

Even if it did cost money it would be a much better use of what funds you have available

22-10-18, 18:46
Probably bout to have a ct scan with contrast I’ve had one before years ago but I’m scared it will make my kidneys fail..

22-10-18, 18:50
Probably bout to have a ct scan with contrast I’ve had one before years ago but I’m scared it will make my kidneys fail..

I honestly just don’t have the money see a doctor right now I still have no insurance..

I promise I’m not looking for reassurance I’m really not I’m really just venting.. I honestly have around 20 dollars to my name I don’t think that gonna get me in anywhere...

How can you get a CT w/contrast for $20?

Positive and skeptical thoughts

22-10-18, 18:52
How can you get a CT w/contrast for $20?

Positive and skeptical thoughts


22-10-18, 18:55

But you have no $$$ and that bill will be $$$$'s. And... you're posting from the ER?

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 18:59
But you have no $$$ and that bill will be $$$$'s. And... you're posting from the ER?

Positive thoughts

I’ll just have to set up a payment plan.

22-10-18, 18:59

I legitimately feel sorry for you and your family. The answer to all of this is so obvious in the form of therapy and anxiety medication. But you refuse to acknowledge the OBVIOUS patterns in your behavior and mental state, and instead dedicate your time and resources to chasing ghosts.
I hope someday you’re able to see more clearly. You’re so afraid of dying, that you’re not living.

22-10-18, 19:33

THE ER IS FOR ACTUAL EMERGENCIES! we wonder why health care is so expensive here is because of people like Hypo.

22-10-18, 19:42
Hypo, do you visit the same ER all the time? Asking as if you've been the number of times I can remember over the last year, then surely they are getting somewhat annoyed ?

22-10-18, 19:45
Hypo, do you visit the same ER all the time? Asking as if you've been the number of times I can remember over the last year, then surely they are getting somewhat annoyed ?

As a serial attender surely an ER department would have got Hypo sussed by now?

22-10-18, 19:54
Well yeah. I mean, if people keep turning up here at the same A and E, then they get sussed after a few visits (not that I have, only been to A and E once in my life). Surely, the computer notes would be enough to tell the story....

22-10-18, 19:55
Well yeah. I mean, if people keep turning up here at the same A and E, then they get sussed after a few visits (not that I have, only been to A and E once in my life). Surely, the computer notes would be enough to tell the story....

Unfortunately or fortunately, however you want to look at it, you can’t be turned away here. They have to treat you, regardless of history, ability to pay, etc. I’m sure they do their best to work around it...bare minimum testing, etc, but you have to be seen.

22-10-18, 19:57
....but if there's nothing to treat......

You wouldn't be turned away here either, but at some point somebody would call mental health services.

22-10-18, 19:58
....but if there's nothing to treat......

Probably a blood test, a CT Scan or X-ray, maybe pain medication. Then sent home with a $10,000 bill and told to follow up with your PCP.

22-10-18, 20:03
I see.......:wacko:

22-10-18, 20:05
I see.......:wacko:

It’s why HA sufferers love the ER...where your PCP will refuse testing, they don’t have time/patience to argue with you at the ER so they just do it to get you in and out as quick as possible. That’s why people like Hypo use it for non emergencies....instant results.

22-10-18, 20:35
It’s why HA sufferers love the ER...where your PCP will refuse testing, they don’t have time/patience to argue with you at the ER so they just do it to get you in and out as quick as possible. That’s why people like Hypo use it for non emergencies....instant results.

Surely tests could be denied though on the basis of hypochondria? Otherwise it makes ER a significant enabler of HA?

22-10-18, 20:36
I understand why hypo is going to the ER. They have to treat you without asking for any $ up front and you get instant results (well, after several hours of waiting to be seen).however, it’s an HA sufferers dream. It’s a misuse of resources, but in a panicked state, people do irrational things. I hope they give him the medical reassurance he so craves, but I also hope they take the time to call in mental health services so he can start to really feel better, both mind and body. I have to admit, I’ve been to the ER 3times in the last 18 months. All showed no issue. The feeling of relief I had after each visit was amazing. It’s like a drug to hypochondriacs. Unfortunately, unless the real underlying mental health issue is addressed, it’s so short lived and cqn bankrupt you. I have good insurance and paid over $2000 per visit, not to mention all the other doctors appointments and urgent care visits. I could have gone on a killer vacation with all that money. Let us know how you get on, Hypo.

22-10-18, 20:50
Surely tests could be denied though on the basis of hypochondria? Otherwise it makes ER a significant enabler of HA?

It can absolutely be an enabler. But because it’s being paid for by the patient, I doubt they really care. Plus we’re so litigious here, I’m sure that plays into hospitals minds too....like what if the 1/10,000 chance actually happens and it is serious, I’m going to be sued. So eventually it’s easier for doctors to just comply.

---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

I understand why hypo is going to the ER. They have to treat you without asking for any $ up front and you get instant results (well, after several hours of waiting to be seen).however, it’s an HA sufferers dream. It’s a misuse of resources, but in a panicked state, people do irrational things. I hope they give him the medical reassurance he so craves, but I also hope they take the time to call in mental health services so he can start to really feel better, both mind and body. I have to admit, I’ve been to the ER 3times in the last 18 months. All showed no issue. The feeling of relief I had after each visit was amazing. It’s like a drug to hypochondriacs. Unfortunately, unless the real underlying mental health issue is addressed, it’s so short lived and cqn bankrupt you. I have good insurance and paid over $2000 per visit, not to mention all the other doctors appointments and urgent care visits. I could have gone on a killer vacation with all that money. Let us know how you get on, Hypo.

This is perfectly said, absolutely true! The thing is, a lot of ERs nowadays even advertise lower wait times...it’s like they’re begging you to come in and get looked at.

22-10-18, 21:00
We call the ER 'Accident and Emergency' over here. The clue's in the name who it's for - accidents or emergencies. That is people who, if they don't get seen by a doctor very soon (as in within a few hours), may have bad things happen to them. As hard as it is, if you had one of the diseases you're scared of it wouldn't be an emergency - it wouldn't be something that you needed diagnosis and treatment for in a matter of hours.

All going to A&E/ER is doing is jumping the queue, over all the people who are worried sick patiently waiting for results from the normal channels as they should, and you're spending the time of doctors who should be seeing people whose immediate life is in danger.

It's hard, I know, when you have HA. I've been to A&E once with it (although this was on the recommendation of a GP). But the bottom line is your plight is not so important or unique you can feel you can jump the queue by abusing medical services. It's not morally right.

22-10-18, 23:15
They did some lab work and xrays of my stomach and everything was normal there. I really wish they did act scan I’m still in so much pain... They said could maybe be gallbladder related but weren’t sure I’m even more terrified it’s cancer now :(. The pain is just getting worse what am I suppose to do... This is obviously something you know. I know I have anxiety issues they are just made worse when I actually have something wrong :weep:

22-10-18, 23:22
I’m even more terrified it’s cancer now :(.

Hahaha you see how asinine this is right? You go to the ER, receive clear test results, yet you’re now more terrified it’s cancer?
I can’t say I’m entirely surprised, you’ve been on this road for a long time. Someday you’ll address the real issue....

22-10-18, 23:28
Hahaha you see how asinine this is right? You go to the ER, receive clear test results, yet you’re now more terrified it’s cancer?
I can’t say I’m entirely surprised, you’ve been on this road for a long time. Someday you’ll address the real issue....

I had clear blood work not really surprised there. I needed a scan to see something such as cancer or gallstones ect... This pain isn’t in my head or psychomatic and it getting worse can’t be good..

22-10-18, 23:33
I had clear blood work not really surprised there. I needed a scan to see something such as cancer or gallstones ect... This pain isn’t in my head or psychomatic and it getting worse can’t be good..

Nobody said the pain is in your head. What is in your head is your inability to cope with anything uncomfortable without being “99.9% sure it’s cancer.” It’s called catastrophic thinking and you have a long history of it.
I’d recommend treating that, then worrying about any perceived physical problems. But then again, if you’re content with demanding your imminent death to internet strangers and unnecessary ER visits, it’s your life.

22-10-18, 23:36
Is it not worrisome that the pain is getting worse and more frequent?

22-10-18, 23:42
Based on my experience with people who I have known with cancer, the pain from cancer does not come and go. In fact, those people I have known with cancer experience, if anything, a progression of worsening pain without pause.

So, I would honestly say that the pain getting more frequent is likely not a bad indicator at all, because it isn't constant. There are probably thousands of things that can cause the pain you are talking about.

22-10-18, 23:49
Based on my experience with people who I have known with cancer, the pain from cancer does not come and go. In fact, those people I have known with cancer experience, if anything, a progression of worsening pain without pause.

So, I would honestly say that the pain getting more frequent is likely not a bad indicator at all, because it isn't constant. There are probably thousands of things that can cause the pain you are talking about.

Yeah but the pain getting more intense is worrisome though.. It may not be cancer but whatever it is most definitely is getting worse and I’m scared as hell what it is :(

23-10-18, 01:32
What makes this really worrisome is how quick the pain and severe bloating came on the past week you know? On top of that I’m constantly feeling lightheaded like I’ll pass out..

23-10-18, 01:40
Based on my experience with people who I have known with cancer, the pain from cancer does not come and go. In fact, those people I have known with cancer experience, if anything, a progression of worsening pain without pause.

So, I would honestly say that the pain getting more frequent is likely not a bad indicator at all, because it isn't constant. There are probably thousands of things that can cause the pain you are talking about.
For what its worth, not even most constant pain is cancer (dont want the wrong idea that all pain like that is C). Lots of chronic pain can stay around for weeks or months (or years in my back pain).

I am happy to be corrected, but typically, pain is accompanied by a host of other symptoms (i have also been told by doctors that many cancers never produce pain, and only other "sickly" symptoms).

23-10-18, 02:07
his pain isn’t in my head or psychomatic and it getting worse can’t be good..

Actually that's where you are not strictly correct. Your body registers a certain amount of pain but then you amplify it by focussing on it.

And your perception of your pain/symptoms is also skewed. For instance, you are so fatigued that you can't get out of a chair yet...you went on a family holiday and continue to work. I remember when I was so ill I couldn't get out of a chair and walking from one room to the next meant I needed a lie down and there was no chance of leaving the house.

But that's how the mind works and how anxiety works. And for that reason they use therapy to treat chronic conditions so the patient doesn't make their condition worse.

---------- Post added at 01:58 ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 ----------

THE ER IS FOR ACTUAL EMERGENCIES! we wonder why health care is so expensive here is because of people like Hypo.

Actually it's because of ALL of us. Lets not forget our mental health costs our GP's, all those tests, etc. We all share responsibility in this.

But I think I would be more frustrated with the true time wasters who have nothing wrong or just can't be bothered to wait to see a GP, the non alcoholic drunks and lets not forget those lovely drug companies rinsing the hospitals with overpriced drugs they know they are greatly overcharging for...:whistles:

But yes, I agree that we need to refrain from A&E visits as much as we can. Sadly mental health services are so bad that we sometimes have little choice but as far as we can, it's on us to sit with the anxiety.

---------- Post added at 02:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 ----------

We call the ER 'Accident and Emergency' over here. The clue's in the name who it's for - accidents or emergencies. That is people who, if they don't get seen by a doctor very soon (as in within a few hours), may have bad things happen to them. As hard as it is, if you had one of the diseases you're scared of it wouldn't be an emergency - it wouldn't be something that you needed diagnosis and treatment for in a matter of hours.

All going to A&E/ER is doing is jumping the queue, over all the people who are worried sick patiently waiting for results from the normal channels as they should, and you're spending the time of doctors who should be seeing people whose immediate life is in danger.

It's hard, I know, when you have HA. I've been to A&E once with it (although this was on the recommendation of a GP). But the bottom line is your plight is not so important or unique you can feel you can jump the queue by abusing medical services. It's not morally right.

Exactly, it's a queue jump and gets that reassurance that the obsessive-compulsive cycle is trying to obtain. The alternative is exposure to anxiety.

If you go into an A&E with a splinter in your thumb I would hope they send you on your way elsewhere. Turning up stating you are worried you have cancer and they will naturally be cautious as turning you away has the chance to be tomorrow's front page media scandal. The more the symptoms point to unknown the more they will want to run some tests as they know how some people may walk in and end up serious. It's for the same reasons we have scattergun approaches to cancer awareness from people like the NHS e.g. "blood in your poo?" which may be cancer but the likelihood of it being piles is far far more probable but they like a GP to say that rather than find a solicitor petitioning them to Court later on...

Like you say, you won't get treated any quicker with cancer in A&E. They don't deal with it. Unless your condition means an urgent operation there & then, which would more likely mean you came to them in an ambulance anyway, they just refer you onto the necessary ward and you go in the queue with everyone else. GP's can achieve the same through the same routes but the testing pre-referral means it's slower.

I wish A&E's were firm with people but even someone with a history of HA isn't going to be turned away because even HAers get ill and that one time will come when someone dies and the solicitors descend as well as the media whipping up the outrage and millions get spent on expensive reviews of procedures by overpaid suits.

As for getting you mental health referred in A&E, how can they do it? Unless they section you how do they stop you leaving or even speaking to the person? I can see some in so much denial they will walk out. Others will use that referral to chase more reassurance from a doctor, any doctor. But unless you agree to act on your mental health you are the horse at the stream that just won't drink.

23-10-18, 02:14
You had gallbladder issues in the past. Did you ever get it treated?

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

You also have bad GERD too that to my knowledge, you never got treated... could easily be that, too.

23-10-18, 03:02
You had gallbladder issues in the past. Did you ever get it treated?

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

You also have bad GERD too that to my knowledge, you never got treated... could easily be that, too.

I had the HIDA scan back in like 2015 which said it was borderline normal. I’ve had a few ultrasounds since then that have showed nothing no gallstones or inflammation. I’ve been on Pantoprazole 40 mg for a good while now so I don’t think it’s GERD.

---------- Post added at 02:02 ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 ----------

Suddenly it’s like food isn’t digesting anymore that’s not right at all..

23-10-18, 03:08
I had the HIDA scan back in like 2015 which said it was borderline normal. I’ve had a few ultrasounds since then that have showed nothing no gallstones or inflammation. I’ve been on Pantoprazole 40 mg for a good while now so I don’t think it’s GERD.

---------- Post added at 02:02 ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 ----------

Suddenly it’s like food isn’t digesting anymore that’s not right at all..

How would you know food isn't digesting? That's an internal process and not something you can observe.

23-10-18, 03:42
It’s probably your GERD acting up since you’ve been so anxious. Yeah you take meds for the GERD, but you never took care of the cause, your out of control HA.

23-10-18, 04:46
No this really is different... It’s like the bloated feeling is getting worse and worse like my stomach is feeling up with fluid or something this can’t be right..

23-10-18, 05:29
No this really is different... It’s like the bloated feeling is getting worse and worse like my stomach is feeling up with fluid or something this can’t be right..

That sounds like anxiety to me. I get like that all the time.

23-10-18, 09:37
That sounds like anxiety to me. I get like that all the time.

Well for hypo everything is cancer so. And now he has wasted resouces of the ER. A place meant for actual emergencies.

23-10-18, 10:27
Yep, this is the trouble isnt it, every single time he feels unwell, for years and years, he is 99.9 percent sure its cancer of some kind. One day, in the future, he may well have cancer, one day he may well be right - it can happen to each and every one of us at some point, certainly by old age. In the meantime, as another poster added on this thread, the fear of dying means he's not living.

23-10-18, 15:31
Another thing I’ve been noticing the past few weeks is my throat being sore on one side after yawning then swallowing.. and my nodes in my throat are swollen that makes me worry more that it’s cancer that has spread

23-10-18, 15:47
No this really is different.

If I had a pound for everytime this was said on NMP I would be very rich indeed.

You seriously need to find something to stop this HA cycle and the first step would be to accept that it is HA.

23-10-18, 16:34
I know I need to get it together but I don’t know how not to worry and stress about this pain the way it came out of nowhere and how it keeps getting worse it’s really stressful. How do I not be anxious about this that it could really be cancer....

23-10-18, 16:40
...it could really be 100 other things. Why is cancer the only thing that ever concerns you, when it is the least likely?

In Jan of 2017 you were certain you had oesophagus cancer.....thats now 21 months ago.....I guess that never came to be ?

23-10-18, 16:44
I know I need to get it together but I don’t know how not to worry and stress about this pain the way it came out of nowhere and how it keeps getting worse it’s really stressful. How do I not be anxious about this that it could really be cancer....

Sometimes talking to people on here is like talking to a freakin’ brick wall...MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. Sign up for therapy, discuss medication with your doctor. Do this while things are calm, not while you’re spiraling.

Of course this will fall on deaf ears as you seem to garner a sick pleasure from demanding that you have cancer and unnecessary doctor visits. I don’t understand the addiction but it’s clearly there.
Good luck with whatever you decide.

23-10-18, 16:57
Sometimes talking to people on here is like talking to a freakin’ brick wall...MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. Sign up for therapy, discuss medication with your doctor. Do this while things are calm, not while you’re spiraling.

Of course this will fall on deaf ears as you seem to garner a sick pleasure from demanding that you have cancer and unnecessary doctor visits. I don’t understand the addiction but it’s clearly there.
Good luck with whatever you decide.

I honestly think I need some medicine because I've been to therapy a few times over the past few months with little relief.. I get it I mean this pain might not be cancer, but whatever it is getting worse quick and that worries me.. I wish I would have at least got the ct to rule out cancer..

23-10-18, 16:59
I honestly think I need some medicine because I've been to therapy a few times over the past few months with little relief.. I get it I mean this pain might not be cancer, but whatever it is getting worse quick and that worries me.. I wish I would have at least got the ct to rule out cancer..

Here’s a challenge.....reply to this question without mentioning anything about symptoms or tests....

Why not get an urgent appointment with your doctor, print out this thread and show him, and demand an SSRI?

23-10-18, 17:11
I wish I would have at least got the ct to rule out cancer..

I think THAT is what the crux of this is. You want a CT.

I am sure you have some kind of issue going on, BUT, a couple days ago, you were asking if you should get a CT, the next day you have pain so bad you need to go to the ER where, you assume, you will get a CT.

I am not saying you are consciously doing this, but it is entirely possible you/your brain are interpreting the stomach pain, bloating, etc in an exaggerated way. The thing that SUCKS abut HA is that we cannot trust ourselves and our instincts and our sensations because there is so much background noise involved.

Just accept that you did not get the CT. Don't go to the ER again. Make an appt with a doctor to get the follow up on the carcinoid, and TRUST that that is how the system works. Did you know that CTs actually produce risks in terms of radiation exposure and the risk of false positives, that then lead to anxiety and unneeded interventions that can cause their own problems? That's why people don't get them and doctors don't order them for every little twinge.

Going to the ER was your fear trying to bypass the proper system, as others said upthread. Cancer is not an emergency, and hypochondriacs don't get to order their own medical tests. Accept that and then set the appropriate limits on yourself. Running to the ER is a reassurance behavior. It is NOT good for you. If your HA is so bad as others say it is (and I do recognize your name too), how do you function day to day? How do you afford ER trips on a whim? What does your wife say? I don't mean to get personal, but I can not imagine that reacting like this to the mere suggestion of an off chance of cancer works out well with having a life.

One step to getting better is just making a call for the followup appointment and then leaving it there, not initiating anything else until you have seen the specialist or whomever will check for the carcinoid. If you don't have the money for it, then take your chances. You are not going to find what you want in the ER and, actually, the ER is harming you. Do you see that?

23-10-18, 17:12
I honestly have around 20 dollars to my name I don’t think that gonna get me in anywhere...

Curious as to how you eat, pay for phone and internet, have a roof over your head, set up a payment plan for your ER visits let alone spring for a CT scan etc?


23-10-18, 17:17
I honestly think I need some medicine because I've been to therapy a few times over the past few months with little relief.. I get it I mean this pain might not be cancer, but whatever it is getting worse quick and that worries me.. I wish I would have at least got the ct to rule out cancer..

A deep rooted anxiety that's so bad you've wasted a good chunk of your adult life trying to convince strangers on the Internet you have phantom cancers isn't going to be fixed in a few therapy sessions. It will take time and work, but is a much better use of cash than yet another pointless CT scan.

23-10-18, 18:33
What are the best medications for HA in you alls experiences?

23-10-18, 18:39
What are the best medications for HA?

Generally SSRIs. But that’s a much better discussion to have with your doctor than here.

23-10-18, 18:41
Would it be better to see a psychiatrist or just my pcp?

23-10-18, 18:42
Would it be better to see a psychiatrist or just my pcp?

Whichever you can see soonest.

23-10-18, 19:07
I'm just wondering if they (either your psychi or pcp) know the true level of your anxiety? I would have thought the severity of your case, and how you present, would make them think of some sort of treatment apart from 'talking therapies'. You are surely wrung out with this fear cycle?

23-10-18, 19:23
Whichever you can see soonest.

Surely (And don't call me Shirley! ;)), with $20 to his name and no insurance, getting help will be challenging. If indeed, Hypo is in that kind of financial situation, he can apply for help with the state or local county government. In the mean time, there's not else that can be said or done :shrug: