View Full Version : Worried I have a brain tumor!

20-10-18, 14:24
Hello everyone I have been quite ill this month however this is not the typical illness I experience it's something new and that's why I'm worried.


My hair was being weird and falling off a bit and this made me feel depressed and sad. Luckily my hair is fine now

I haven't had an appetite for 3 weeks and this worries me alot I love food and I always use to snack, now I eat one meal a day.

Went to the doctors and was diagnosed with acid reflux. The medication works but still no hunger. This made me panic and I googled the symptoms and I thought I had stomach cancer at the age of 19. 0.5% chance my doctor told me but I have these what if moment's and doubt my doctors.

Ever since then I have been worrying one cancer scare to the other. Life is harder to live in constant worry.

Let's get to the tumor part already.

So my head feels tight now and has felt tight for a few weeks last week my head started to hurt and I got eye floaters and visual snow. Went to my optometrist on Wednesday and he said my eyes were healthy and if I did have a brain tumor he would of saw my eyes being swollen up and I wouldn't of passed the vision test with the clicker with flying colours.

I was feeling depressed but now I feel very Normal but a tad bit angry at my mum as she's not helping me one bit and is more focused on her own problems and she keeps on getting drunk and stuff

I wake up with a minor headache at the back of my head most days and it's usually on the right side of my head.
However things still seem off my hands feel weird they are cracking this happens to my knee and arms. My hand eye coordination doesn't feel as sharp and my short term memory is not as sharp as well. Sometimes I have brain fog and have to focus more.

I eat way less so that's maybe why my hands and leg are semi painful and not up to scratch.

Something feels very off and doctors are taking forever.

Does anyone know what's wrong with me??

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20-10-18, 14:44
When you suffer from anxiety, it's like you always need something to feed it. Being obsessed about cancer is a classic. A few years ago I was convinced I had testicular cancer. Absolutely convinced. It totally ruined a family holiday and drove me to book a private examination. Of course, it was all clear. Every time I get a headache it's a brain tumor, and every sore throat is throat cancer!

P.S hair falling out and poor appetite could be symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Just a thought :)

20-10-18, 15:10
Hey I'm sorry that you also have health anxiety!

My health has really become an obsession I constantly are on the look out for more sensations and feelings everyday. I've researched the symptoms of a brain tumor and I always look out for said symptoms which probably makes my anxiety mimic these actions.

But yeah when I had reflux I thought I had stomach cancer then pancreatic cancer now its a brain tumor

I've also had conflicts with my family they just don't understand.

My hair is fine now but thanks for the thought some suspect it's depression or just severe anxiety.

Thanks commenting and reassuring me.

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