View Full Version : Have an upset stomach out of nowhere. Trying to think logically need help

20-10-18, 15:56
So basically I feel slightly queasy. Could be from my lunch I had, I don't know. Or maybe cause I had free range milk. Usually I drink lactose free milk.

Anyway I tried to drink water and it just kind of sat on my stomach and kinda made me feel worse.

I haven't vomited or anything and I have no fever or anything

I do have cramps/pains though and a need to go to the toilet

20-10-18, 17:06
Are you lactose intolerant then?

What is worrying you?

20-10-18, 17:11
I haven't actually been tested to see if I am

I just know milk in general doesn't agree with me anymore :wacko:

20-10-18, 17:17
Ok, so don't you have the answer there then?

20-10-18, 17:47
Everyone gets a bad stomach from time to time, it's just one of those things and not something a non-anxious person would worry about at all. It sounds like you have answered your question, just lay off the milk.