View Full Version : feel like im dying, cant do this anymore

21-10-18, 09:34
ive been posting so frequently and my apologies, im currently in the midst of an anxiety attack and am crying uncontrollably, needing support because i have no one. im here again with fears of appendicitis. ive been like this for three weeks now and its getting worse, ive experienced anything from leg pain to migranes, anxiety, and it sucks. what doesnt help is im also going through something emotionally too. im just terrified that my appendix is infected. every night i have gerd and my stomach rumbles so loudly, i can feel gas but it rarely comes out!!! i feel bloated. just anxious. i was so scared today especially, because i got a pain on my left side tht lasted like three minutes. then ive had a pain under my belly button that only appears in certain positions and is on and off. yet i ofc looked it up and boom appendicitis appears. my bowels are normal (aside from white mucus but?). im just tired, somedays i eat normally and others i dont at all because im scared pain will appear. i also am always tired. im drained. im sorry if i sound annoying. im especially scared because i know someone who just got hers taken out yesterday and has been feeling sick for years, and hers ruptured but her intestines wrapped around like a cushion. so scary!! i keep seeing appendicitis everywhere and i dont wanna take tht as a sign that ill have it soon. im paranoid. im emotional. im weak. i get flank pain also. which is what she had right before her trip to the hospital. i just need support, i plan on seeing my doc but i really need to get a new one soon.

21-10-18, 13:23
I’ve been where you are, and you definitely need to talk to your doctor about your anxiety and get a referral for some counseling. Or call a crisis line and talk to someone. Many on here have worked through the CCI modules on health anxiety (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Health-Anxiety) and have found them helpful.

It’s also good to work on your physical symptoms as well, and abdominal pain is a trigger for me too. But it can be caused by tension and anxiety as well. So when you talk to your doc about your physical symptoms, try and trust what they have to say to you. Good luck and be kind to yourself.

21-10-18, 15:17
I’ve been where you are, and you definitely need to talk to your doctor about your anxiety and get a referral for some counseling. Or call a crisis line and talk to someone. Many on here have worked through the CCI modules on health anxiety (https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Health-Anxiety) and have found them helpful.

It’s also good to work on your physical symptoms as well, and abdominal pain is a trigger for me too. But it can be caused by tension and anxiety as well. So when you talk to your doc about your physical symptoms, try and trust what they have to say to you. Good luck and be kind to yourself.

yes, its most definitely time for therapy. my life is just getting more and more miserable because of it, and its only been three weeks. i had the appendicitis fear about four years ago as well? it was a very debilitating time, yet i noticed it went away after my worries about some personal things went away. ive just been very stressed and awful these past weeks. i had a uti that sent me to the er, boyfriend moved away and were having problems, life is just the same dreadful routine. it doesnt help that i suffer from leg pain near my period time, and every month is an array of different symptoms. thanks for replying :)

21-10-18, 20:23
i had the appendicitis fear about four years ago as well? it was a very debilitating time, yet i noticed it went away after my worries about some personal things went away.

I was the same way. Still am, kind of. Just now I see the gut discomfort for what it is - it’s where I hold all my tension and stress and when things get too much it turns into gas, pain, nausea, etc. Your gut is almost like a second brain, so when something stressful has happened, it responds. I had a traumatic past week, and my guts got up to the same old tricks this time too. Only this time I knew what it was, and that it wasn’t appendicitis or other sinister malady.

I do hope things get better for you. I know counseling and the CCI modules really helped me.