View Full Version : High BP/Anxiety

21-10-18, 20:03
So how does one distinguish between having high blood pressure and having anxiety? Or that your high BP is a result of anxiety or because you actually do have hypertension? I’ve been checking my BP for weeks and i really can’t distinguish if it’s related to anxiety. Some days it’s fine and I’m anxious and some days it’s high and i BECOME anxious because it’s high. Today i don’t feel particularly anxious but my BP is elevated. If i take a Xanax and it comes down, does that mean it’s anxiety related?
Anyone else have this problem?

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21-10-18, 21:43
Well, I am not advocating self testing in the least, but I am required to self test. Because of a medical condition, I *have* to keep my BP below 120/80. 110/70 is ideal, and even though I am not hypertensive, I have to take BP meds to keep it low.

So, with that said, you need to quit taking your BP unless advised to by a medical professional. That act alone will make your BP go up, and unless there is a medical reason to do so, there is no reason to, and it is a really terrible idea for those of us with HA to self test without medical need.

Now, because I have to self test twice a day, morning and evening, I have done some experimentation. Just with meditative breathing, I can drop my bp 15 points, so obviously anxiety comes into play. If I am petting one of my dogs, I can drop another 5 points or so. If I am stressed about family stuff, it will push me up towards the hypertensive level, even on meds. If I eat a lot of salt it goes up. If I eat little to no salt, it is really low. Too much water, or not enough, too much sleep, or not enough. You get the picture, a thousand variables can affect your blood pressure, not just anxiety.

Finally, you say you get elevated BP, but is it truly hypertensive? If not, then why worry about it? Go live life. If it is hypertensive, then you should definitely see a doctor, not us. No one here is really qualified to say if your drop in BP as a result of taking a medication is anxiety or not either.

21-10-18, 21:51
Well, I am not advocating self testing in the least, but I am required to self test. Because of a medical condition, I *have* to keep my BP below 120/80. 110/70 is ideal, and even though I am not hypertensive, I have to take BP meds to keep it low.

I'm in the same boat due to heart conditions and I agree 100%. Unnecessary self testing only tightens the noose of anxiety around your neck. Unless ordered to do so, don't self test!

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 00:01
Thank you both for your responses. I am not required to self test but when i feel like it’s high, i can’t help but check it. I take a small dose of an anti hypertensive which doesn’t seem to be covering me so i will call my doctor tomorrow to see about increasing it.

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22-10-18, 00:12
i can’t help but check it.

Yes you can! BIN THE BP MACHINE! :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 01:57
Your doctor can easily distinguish by performing a 24 hours ambulatory test. It's the standard these days and used to avoid exactly this type of situation as far to many people were getting put on BP meds when it was White Coat Syndrome.

But I'm wondering why you are already on a BP med? And then monitoring your BP might be advised at intervals by your practice so they can monitor but ultimately it's their job as with Hypertension it's long term monitoring as it's expected to last for life. If they have advised you to monitor you should continue to do so and discuss any concerns with them. At my practice they have a machine they ask us to test at and they will call us in for that but on some occasions they also ask patients to self test at home. Not so in this case from what you say so testing is going to end up obsessive and interpreting results is for them anyway even if we self test and they would tell anyone what to look out for if tey have a condition a self testing schedule is needed in.

I have Hypertension but mine is low risk hence not needing the extra care.

If the med is bringing this into the range expected by your doctor they should already be considering adjusting the dose or switching the med.