View Full Version : whacked head walking into a door...subdural hematoma?

21-10-18, 22:07
Basically the title. Hitting heads is a fer of mine, and i walked into a door earlier today (embarassing I know). I have a bit of a headache and feel tired...can i die from this?

21-10-18, 22:20
Did you hemorrhage last time? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=208741)

Positive thoughts

21-10-18, 22:43
Normal people shouldn't know the term "subdural hematoma".

Stop Googling.

22-10-18, 00:11
It depends how hard you hit yourself; it's something I'm wary of too. You would appear not to have lost consciousness, and having a headache and yes, even feeling a bit tired after such a thing is quite normal. When you struggle to keep conscious, that's an issue - but to put things into perspective, a few months ago one of these fell on my head in my storage unit from a couple of feet and as you can see, I am still here.


I can understand your curiosity but recently that same curiosity had a major impact on my health. Search engines are NOT your friend.

22-10-18, 00:16
Wow...that's a vintage piece! And Realistic (Radio Shack) reels too!

Positive thoughts

22-10-18, 01:37
From back in the days when your stereo equipment falling on your head meant possibly needing a JCB to get it off! :biggrin:

Agree with axolotl. Only medical professions talk like that. I swear a doctor looks at you funny if you come out with the correct medical term for a whack on the head.

22-10-18, 09:45
I've hit my head so many times. Including doors, windows, tables, lampposts, letter boxes, the list is endless.......

22-10-18, 10:46
I've hit my head so many times. Including doors, windows, tables, lampposts, letter boxes, the list is endless.......

My father-in-law once closed a car boot on my head.

I think it was an accident... :wacko:

22-10-18, 11:14
I don’t know how many times I have hit my head, I have had countless punches from my ex as well,I got an illness from that it is called GAD and Complex PTSD not a Subdural hematoma :wacko:

22-10-18, 14:55
I don’t know how many times I have hit my head, I have had countless punches from my ex as well,I got an illness from that it is called GAD and Complex PTSD not a Subdural hematoma :wacko:

This is terrible, and I did not want your comment to slide under the radar. I hope you are safe now. You are in my thoughts.

22-10-18, 20:13
I don’t know how many times I have hit my head, I have had countless punches from my ex as well,I got an illness from that it is called GAD and Complex PTSD not a Subdural hematoma :wacko:

Lola-so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and I feel for you.

Otherwise, I am still having a headache and tired today. Worried it could be the hematoma.

22-10-18, 20:18
Otherwise, I am still having a headache and tired today. Worried it could be the hematoma.

Translation: I decided to go ahead and ignore everybody’s replies and repost my original fear.

22-10-18, 20:37
I am not interested in replies. I just want to be dramatic.

22-10-18, 21:24
I'm tormented by far of this, it's all I can think about. I feel guilty or something for hitting my head and feel like this is what i get or something

22-10-18, 21:28
I'm tormented by far of this, it's all I can think about. I feel guilty or something for hitting my head and feel like this is what i get or something

Are you getting any help for this? Your post history is a litany of being scared witless by everyday occurrences and it's really no way to live.

22-10-18, 21:32
But I mean bumping my head is pretty serious, I haven't even seen a doctor and I'm not sure how a normal person would react. really worried my brain will start bleeding

22-10-18, 21:36
But I mean bumping my head is pretty serious, I haven't even seen a doctor and I'm not sure how a normal person would react. really worried my brain will start bleeding

Translation: I’m going to continue ignoring replies about my anxiety and continue posting the same irrational fear time and time again, no matter how much reassurance I’m given.

22-10-18, 21:40
But I mean bumping my head is pretty serious, I haven't even seen a doctor and I'm not sure how a normal person would react. really worried my brain will start bleeding

A normal person would answer direct questions that concerned people ask them, when they go on the Internet specifically to ask strangers for help. ;)

22-10-18, 21:55
thank you, I do understand what you're saying. to answer questions about treatment: yes, I've been getting treatment for health anxiety, but head injuries are one of my "big"last remaining fears. I've come a long way from having almost daily panic attacks like I was last year. Now they're maybe once every few months. however hitting my head is a trigger for the health anxiety.

22-10-18, 22:20
I've been getting treatment for health anxiety

Therapist? Meds? Both? if you're in therapy, does your therapist know of your reassurance seeking on he forum?

I'd like a response that doesn't include a "yeah but" and a list of symptoms please.

Positive thoughts