View Full Version : a bit of everything!

23-08-07, 18:57
im not sure if this should be in success stories or not its kind of a mixture...
as alot of you know my partner has just left me a few weeks ago and since then everything possible has gone wrong... ie washing machine, car, furniture problems and a few problems with me kids i wont bore you with the details but i have managed to sort each thing calmly.
my ex has been in touch and me with him, but i have stupidly helped him out with a few things etc and now i feel a fool, he has got more and more distant and that is because the girl he has been seeing was away and now she is back, well i have made a decision to keep as much distance as possible i know it will be very hard as every day i think about him and wonder if he is ok(but why as i know he doesnt wonder about us) ive let myself slip back after being so good so now i feel stupid and have made a bigger problem as i need to have no contact and start working on my feelings all over again.
anyway also today my youngest son(17) went to docs with swallen tonsills he rang me at work and said he needed to go to hospital so i downed what i was doing and that is where we have spent today... they have sent him home but have kept his notes out and we are to go back tomorrow if he is no better and he will have to stay in on a drip... he cant speak or eat , well anyway what i am trying to say is i got a bit upset as id made a decision not to talk to my ex and i really could have done with someone but i pulled myself together and ive done it... and i dont feel to paniced with the thought we may have to go back in yet.dont get me wrong it wasnt easy and i had a few "moments" but just stuck with it.
well the whole point to this post is that "jfdi" works, some of you will have known me for ages and known how bad i was at copeing and there is no way i would have managed last year...
so yet again a very big heartfelt thank you to this great site...it would not have been possible with out you.
and all of you hang on in there especially if you are struggling right now as it can and will get better.

23-08-07, 20:20
Aww Rach well done hun - no one can say you arn't a little trier!!!

It's no shame if you do need help though lovie - I myself paid a high price for being Miss Total Independence, when Mr Panic came a calling!! You ask who you can to help where you can mate.

I promise it does get easier it is early days yet and you have such a sensible head on your shoulders you know. :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-08-07, 20:27
Well done Rach for coping with all of that :hugs:

I know it's not easy for you but take each day as it comes. We are here for you.

Hope your son is better soon.

Karen xx

24-08-07, 19:23
Aww well done Rac theres ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel hun :hugs: xxx

24-08-07, 21:15
Hi Rachel

You have done so well coping hun, you should be so proud of yourself!

Sending lots of hugs your way too !:hugs: :hugs:


24-08-07, 22:12
I dont know you, but go girl and remain positive and just do your best lovely

lots of love

lilibet x x x x

24-08-07, 22:36
thank you all so much :)
well my son was admitted to hospital today and although he is 17 i did not like leaving him one bit as i cant see him till 2pm tomorrow.
his tonsills are so swollen he is having fluid and drugs through a drip and also he has glandular fever... but i guess its anouther day coped with although i feel shattered now.
well thank you all for being there

24-08-07, 22:47
Hi Rach

Sending hugs for you and your son hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

WELL DONE for coping so well today, let us know how things go.


26-08-07, 10:35
thank you :)
he is much better today and hoping to come out tomorrow at some point... so why am i feeling so upset... i just dont get it...
