View Full Version : gave into dr. google, now I think I have diabetes

22-10-18, 10:28
After 3 months of no health anxiety I've started to become preoccupied on inflammation on my willy that seems to come and go. I've experienced this for years and never bothered to look into it because it always seemed to go away on its own (stupid thinking).

Dr. Google tells me diabetes can cause this, I believe him. My family has a history of diabetes and I ate a lot of sugar in my teens. Diabetes and prediabetes can supposedly have few/no/subtle symptoms, and I'm not risking anything. I've already made an appointment with my GP and am trying to stay calm, just wanted to vent I guess.

I was sure that I was off of this website for good. At least it's not another cancer scare.

22-10-18, 15:52
First of all, eating sugar in no way causes diabetes. Genetics, overall lifestyle, bodyweight, general physical condition, those things can help determine whether or not you are susceptible to it. Sugar will just be problematic for someone who already has diabetes.

A quick blood test with the doctor will help rule it out

22-10-18, 16:02
I have absolutely no idea if what you described could be diabetes, but as lofwyr says it's a very easy test and at the very worst case a manageable condition thousands of people live with (and if type 2 reversible with lifestyle changes).

But saying that, the record of people Googling symptoms and diagnosing themselves correctly on here is very low...

29-10-18, 11:07
I was diagnosed type 2, changed my lifestyle and it’s gone (as long as I keep my healthy habits). My son has auto immune type 1. WHOLE other ballgame. The former is easily diagnosed and reversible, assuming that is what you mean. The latter is an autoimmune attack on the pancreatic cells responsible for insulin, requiring daily insulin injections for the rest of their lives. If you are constantly thirsty, peeing all the time, losing weight despite eating ravenously, etc. go to your doc. Or, buy a blood glucose kit and test yourself.
If you are overweight, are sedentary, eating poorly, have other metabolic issues, you are at risk for type 2 and should be concerned. Don’t fear, just take action.
This is one of those times where health anxiety should be channeled into positive action. Good luck to you!