View Full Version : can someone wish me well wishes please..

23-10-18, 12:37
this month has been torture. to the point where sometimes i just feel like giving up. sunday was so bad, i truly thought i was near passing out from the anxiety attack and BEGGED my mom to take me to the er. ive been having the biggest fear of appendicitis, and truly thought something was wrong yesterday when i was feeling hot and panicky.the doc touched my stomach and said he didnt think it was appendicitis but if my blood results showed something, wed do further tests like ct scan and ultrasound. they had me do two ekgs because my blood pressure was so high (ekgs were fine), but thankfully i didnt have a fever! the blood test showed up clear, my wbcs were normal! they also gave me xanax since i was so nervous and that helped me soo much i slept for a little too! but anyways, it turns out i have a uti. there was so much unusual stuff in my urine, inc. wbcs and rbcs. that made me freak out because i just had one a month ago and i dont have any uti symptoms!!they prescribed sulfa (huge pills) and sadly because i was so out of it from xanax, i forgot to tell them that i cant swallow pills. last time i had to take a liquid antibiotic for my uti. so now im scared, i have back/leg pain and very faint blood on paper when i pee (but not in actual urine). so ofc im scared and physically cant take the pills (even when crushed i nearly vomited trying). so im going to my doctor on wednesday and gonna ask if i can get rocephin shots (they gave me rocephin last time in the er for my first uti and i felt great). im scared and just hope that my doc wont neglect it, she knows how awful my health anxiety is and i dont want her to put it off this time. i just need some well wishes because i have no one :(

---------- Post added at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 ----------

anyone :(

23-10-18, 20:57
Sorry you are going through a stressful time. I have had urine problems be one of my worries along with many others. I am sure that if there was something to worry about it would have shown up in your bloods. Utis can cause a bit of blood sometimes if they are that bad. I used to do the same when I felt panicky, beg someone to take me or take myself to hospital. The hot rush of adrenaline that makes you not be able to breath and your heart pumping out of your chest. And it is just that, adrenaline. I hope things can get better for you, and for all of us. I hope they invent a magic cure to control our crazy minds.

23-10-18, 21:02
this month has been torture. to the point where sometimes i just feel like giving up. sunday was so bad, i truly thought i was near passing out from the anxiety attack and BEGGED my mom to take me to the er. ive been having the biggest fear of appendicitis, and truly thought something was wrong yesterday when i was feeling hot and panicky.the doc touched my stomach and said he didnt think it was appendicitis but if my blood results showed something, wed do further tests like ct scan and ultrasound. they had me do two ekgs because my blood pressure was so high (ekgs were fine), but thankfully i didnt have a fever! the blood test showed up clear, my wbcs were normal! they also gave me xanax since i was so nervous and that helped me soo much i slept for a little too! but anyways, it turns out i have a uti. there was so much unusual stuff in my urine, inc. wbcs and rbcs. that made me freak out because i just had one a month ago and i dont have any uti symptoms!!they prescribed sulfa (huge pills) and sadly because i was so out of it from xanax, i forgot to tell them that i cant swallow pills. last time i had to take a liquid antibiotic for my uti. so now im scared, i have back/leg pain and very faint blood on paper when i pee (but not in actual urine). so ofc im scared and physically cant take the pills (even when crushed i nearly vomited trying). so im going to my doctor on wednesday and gonna ask if i can get rocephin shots (they gave me rocephin last time in the er for my first uti and i felt great). im scared and just hope that my doc wont neglect it, she knows how awful my health anxiety is and i dont want her to put it off this time. i just need some well wishes because i have no one :(

---------- Post added at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 ----------

anyone :(

The good news is you have your diagnosis. Work with your doctor on an appropriate treatment, and with time things will get better. The more you worry (I know it’s hard not to), the worse you will feel.