View Full Version : Flu Shot symptoms - anyone else?

23-10-18, 15:52
Hi there.
I am an anti-flu shot person .... have been for decades. It's a personal choice and I know lots of people swear by getting one, but in my case it's always caused me more harm than good. I haven't received one in 25 years and have only had the flu once in that time so my odds have been good. However, since I will be spending a week with my two young grandchildren (one of them just born) my daughter begged me to get one. It was a tough decision but I did it.

That was last Thursday. I felt "OK" Thursday and Friday, but Saturday and Sunday started feeling tired, achy, head cold, etc. Yesterday and today, bad fatigue, generally "unwell" but most disturbing, increased anxiety.

I'm assuming that my body is working hard to "fight off" the stuff that was injected and creating antibodies against it. And since I have auto-immune issues and am on a drug that suppresses my immune system, my body is probably confused by what it's supposed to do.

I'm hoping it will regulate soon so I can get back to life, but yesterday and today I was not able to go into the office because of the way I feel, physically and mentally.

Anyone else experience this from a flu shot, and any idea how long this might last? I'm kicking myself for getting the shot but sometimes we do things for others against our better judgment. :unsure:

23-10-18, 22:41
I had mine on Saturday and felt rough for 3 days. It started a few hours after the jab and it was a feeling that I was coming down with a cold. Today I feel fine apart from sore arm (injection site). I have a flu jab every year, most years I'm fine