View Full Version : Diabetes fear

23-08-07, 21:52
Hi everyone

I am having quite a worrying time just now. Here goes:

I went for my annual blood tests 2 weeks ago (due to the fact I take BP medication) and received a letter following it to say my glucose levels were slightly raised and to return to the surgery for a fasting glucose test. I did this on Monday and while there I asked the nurse what the results of the previous test had been and she checked it for me and said it was only slightly raised 5.9. She explained that the doctor likes the level to be 5.5 and not to worry as I had fasted and that would bring the reading down. When I returned home I googled and discovered normal readings were between 4 and 7.

Anyway I received a call yesterday to say they had got the results of my second test and the GP was concerned and also confused. I asked the result and she said "do you really want to know?" I said "yes tell me". She said it is 17.2. :ohmy: I have to go back tomorrow for another fasting test and see the doctor on Wednesday for the results. I spoke to the doctor and she couldn't understand the dramatic increase. She also said if the next resut is also high then that would confirm the diagnosis of diabetes.

Does anyone have any experience of diabetes and these readings? If so should I not be experiencing symptoms? I don't have an increase thirst!

Any help would be appreciated. I now have to wait until Wednesday for the outcome.:huh:

23-08-07, 22:51
Hi Ya:D

Please dont worry:hugs:

I had undiagnosed diabetes for years and my worse blood sugar reading was +38!!!!

Even if you are mildly diabetic its not the end of the world and easily controlled!!

If you want any more info feel free to ask here or via pm:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

24-08-07, 00:24
Hmmm. The way it's measured must be different here in the U.S. Mine is 93 and that's considered great.

My grandma had diabetes - diagnosed in her 70s, but I don't know when she actually became diabetic - and lived to one month short of 96!! She never had any complications from it.

24-08-07, 23:03
Wondering if the high result is an error? I checked my dad's sugar levels the other day and they were sky high due to touching the testing strip after eating chocolate!! A second test confirmed the error. Sounds like they've got it wrong to me.

Kay x

25-08-07, 18:53

Thank you Kazzie, Itzomi and Kay for your replies. I went to have the third blood sample taken on Friday. The nurse felt there had to be a mistake with the second sample and she also said I would probably have increased thirst and urination if it was sitting at 17.2.

Anyway I feel a bit more reassured and will see the doctor on Wednesday for the result. As you say Kazzie if it is diabetes it can be treated.

Thanks again

25-08-07, 19:08
I have diabetes and yes a reading of 17 would probably make you very thirsty. The US system of measurement is different to the UK's our numbers need multiplying by 18, or theirs divided by 18 to compare. The best site for diabetes I have found is www.diabetesdaily .com