View Full Version : Freaking out yet again, skin cancer this time

24-10-18, 00:49
You guys are probably sick of listening to me go on, I apologise and I wanna say also I am not necessarily looking for medical reassurance, just seeing if anyone has had similar experiences. I have had a red spot on a stretch mark between my arm and breast for years now, it used to scab over and then it just stopped and was just kind of...there. I noticed it recently when having a bout of awful health anxiety and realised how stupid I was for never getting it checked out. I just figured because it’s never changed in size, shape and has never been really itchy or painful that it would be fine. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will book a skin cancer check also to get it checked, just wondering if anyone here has had similar experiences with lesions or scabs on stretch marks? From my understanding, since the skin is so thin and stretched, it may be harder for marks to heal? Or maybe my bra or even my arm is causing friction? I am 18 and don’t smoke but the thought still scares me as my mum had a skin cancer removed earlier in the year and it was awful. Thank you to anyone for any insight!