View Full Version : Set back.... yellow skin

24-10-18, 04:44
Hello lovely folks of NMP. Its been months since i have posted.
After my Long QT syndrome diagnosis, things have been pretty positive. My anxiety has calmed down A LOT. Yes i have a slightly dysfunctional heart but its treatable, so i’m okay and will be okay. My anxiety regarding my heart has actually almost completely gone away, lol.

Tonight is the first night i have had a proper set back in about 5 months. A real irrational set back and i’m just disappointed in myself really. I was doing so well.

i was looking at my skin tonight because i wanted to buy a foundation. So i was checking the colour of my veins to see what “skin undertones” i have. (Blue veins - cool undertones. At least i can buy my foundation now, lol.)

Anyway, whilst looking at my skin i come across this small yellow patch of skin.
I start absolutely freaking out, it came from nowhere. So i put into practice some anxiety steps i have been using.

Step 1 - Drink water.
Step 2 - think logicially.
Step 3 - distract myself.

Logical thinking says its probably a bruise that is in the healing / almost gone stage. Its a small patch of skin, in the shape of a bruise, and its the only patch of yellow on my body.

But tonight, logical thinking isn’t helping. My mind is jumping to every bad thing. Cancer? An infection spreading? Kidney failure? YIKES!

I’ve attached a picture. I know i’m being stupid. But tonight i can’t shake this anxiety.

I’m so dissappointed in myself for this set back when i was doing so, so well :(

24-10-18, 12:10
Looks like a bruise to me :)

24-10-18, 16:14
When i read the title i thought you had jaundice or something.

I agree with the above, looks like a bruise.

All The Best

24-10-18, 16:41
I am going to agree, looks like a bruise. Yellow is typically the last part of a bruise, as the blood is broken down. It's guite possible for you to have hit something and not realized that it left a mark until you noticed it now.

For further reassurance, the liver and kidney signs won't localize themselves to a singular, circular area. Jaundice will appear as a general yellowing of the skin, and while it may be patchy, also is all over.

So relax, and don't sweat this as anything more than it is.. a healing bruise.

24-10-18, 17:24
Thanks all. After sleeping i’ve woken up in a much better state of mind.

I appreciate your inputs ❤️

Just wish i didn’t have this set back!!

24-10-18, 17:35
Thanks all. After sleeping i’ve woken up in a much better state of mind.

I appreciate your inputs ❤️

Just wish i didn’t have this set back!!

We can't change the past, but we can control how it effects us going forward. You are back on track, with no harm done; just learn the lesson from this case and keep on trucking! You got this! :yesyes: