View Full Version : Hard Lump

24-10-18, 11:41

I have had a hard, pea-size lump under my skin on my thigh for around 3 weeks. It doesn't seem to move either. I've got a GP appointment on Tuesday. Up until last night I wasn't too bothered and managed to keep my HA under control. The anxiety really kicked in last and I searched on Google (totally wrong thing to do I know!). Of course we all know what the majority of links included. This has sent my anxiety spiralling! Can anyone give me any reassurance until I get to the doctor's on Tuesday.


24-10-18, 12:59
I have one of these under my jaw, was told it was a shotty lymph node due to an a infection a long time ago and it has just stayed there and mine does not move either. Had mine years and never caused a problem, so its most likely a shotty node.

24-10-18, 14:58
Did you have to have any tests? Or did the doctor know by feeling.

24-10-18, 17:00
Shotty lymph node from when you were I’ll at some point. I have on doctor could tell by feeling it and moving it about. I actually have 2 but they are fine.

24-10-18, 21:37
I have one too, behind my ear - shotty lymph node.

My doc was pretty sure by feeling it but then ran a blood test and all was normal. I've had mine for a VERY long time (gosh, at least 15 years I bet) so obviously if it were sinister it would have made itself known by now. :D

24-10-18, 22:02
I have a hard lump behind my ear, had it years! Yet whenever my anxiety comes up high I always worry about it! When a doctor checked it when I was young (She suggested it was like extra bone or something! I can't remeneber tbh but I wasn't worried about it for years!) Yet I'm sure my doctor checked it so many times and I've had so many blood tests!

Keep us updated x