View Full Version : On fire.

11-10-18, 20:42
Been ill 18years and had all sorts of symptoms over the years. Ive had an ms scare because of a few brain lesions. Tested weak positive for lyme and suffered health anxiety along the way. My symptoms are back full force, i have a left sided headache, left temple twitching, my left eye feels odd and strained, off balance, my right arm and leg feel different, cant think straight, have to think before i speak because i feel i will muddle my words, awful brain fog, crying and anxious. Convinced myself its a brain tumour AGAIN because it feels different this time.

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------


12-10-18, 04:36
I have all of the same head symptoms and my doctor and dentist think it's TMJ. That plus anxiety can cause all those things for sure.

12-10-18, 10:10
Cant stop thinking its a brain tumour pressing on the left and causing this constant left side pressure and headache. Im constantly off balance and my left eye feels strained and odd. I feel like im struggling to concentrate and getting mixed up easily. If it would just ease off for a day i might calm down. What else could cause one sided pressure etc?

12-10-18, 17:10
Anyone else have real bad pressure on one side of head? Its awful, cant think straight and getting words muddled up. Brain tumour?

12-10-18, 17:15

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12-10-18, 17:18
Brain tumour?

If I said "No way!" would you believe me? :shrug: (I know, I know... but why is it happening and what's causing it?) I've had an off and on headache all week. It's just a headache. A couple of ibuprofen and go on with my day.

Positive thoughts

12-10-18, 17:51
No because i feel awful, i feel confused and mixed up. Ive never felt like this ever and ive had HA for years.

12-10-18, 18:01
If I said "No way!" would you believe me? :shrug:


So why post then? :huh:

Positive thoughts

12-10-18, 18:06
Just worried.

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ----------

I am just worried and scared.

12-10-18, 18:17
Taking into account your 9 year post history, I would lean toward a benign reason. A headache is a headache. Take something to help and find something to distract yourself.

Positive thoughts

12-10-18, 18:32
I know ive been on here posting 9yrs but this left side headache, off balance, left side pressure, confusion feels like no other symptoms ive had before.

12-10-18, 18:42
I know ive been on here posting 9yrs but this left side headache, off balance, left side pressure, confusion feels like no other symptoms ive had before.

Just one of many (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=104817) :shades:

I saw you were on meds in the past. Are you still taking them? Getting any real life professional help at the moment?

I don't mean to be so up front but this is a common pattern with you. Has any of your greatest fears become reality in these 9 years? Therein lies the best reassurance you can get.

Positive thoughts

12-10-18, 18:54
Yes still on fluoxetine. No they havent but i feel like the girl who cried wolf. Because i havent been drs this time and its not going away and my heads horrendous.

17-10-18, 17:37
What else can cause left side headache/temple. Left side tingling/twitching, left eye pain, off balance, numbness and tingling in hands/feet and etc, stiff shoulder/neck, brain fog, confusion and generally feel shattered and awful apart from the obvs big c?

17-10-18, 17:40

17-10-18, 17:51
Read THIS. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

Positive thoughts

17-10-18, 17:57
That's a very concise list of some of the physical symptoms of anxiety.

17-10-18, 18:02
Poor sleeping position/pillow support and migraine are two additional causes that are not just straight-up anxiety.

But like the others said, probably anxiety.

17-10-18, 18:13
I wrote practically that list in my 20s, except I also had on it 'left eye smaller than right eye' and a few other assorted things like heart problems, dry mouth etc. It was anxiety. I am now 50!

18-10-18, 08:20
Hi zippy,all related with Gad,I too have had all of the above.

18-10-18, 16:21
Been drs this morning, shes sending me for a brain mri scan. Checked my eyes and blood pressure. My balance, spacial awareness is atrocious , cracked my head on the car boot this morning. I just feel away with it.

18-10-18, 17:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

Zippy I would advise looking back on your previous posts and see the pattern.


18-10-18, 17:43
Okay, good luck with the MRI. If it comes back clear, will you believe the results?

MRIs are a good way to cover bases and "be sure" but just because you are referred to one doesn't mean something is majorly wrong. I get migraines regularly and have had several MRIs over the years - when they started, when new symptoms popped up, etc. Never anything to show.

18-10-18, 18:17
Ive had a few brain mri's and the last one 4 years ago had lesions on.

20-10-18, 10:50
If you had something serious going on would the symptoms be the same every day? I am waiting for a brain mri because of left side headache and off balance. Some days are worse than others, my heads worst its been today but wasnt as bad yesterday but was still there if you know what i mean. My left temple area is awful today and above my ear.

20-10-18, 19:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


21-10-18, 11:22
Everytime i put all my symptoms in all that comes up is brain tumour. So worried waiting for this mri.

Gary A
21-10-18, 11:53
Well you've asked for reassurance here already and despite repeated replies suggesting such things as TMJ, GAD and good old anxiety being the cause, youre still asking the same question that you started out with. You haven't even attempted to take those explanations on board in any way at all.

All the flapping and arm waving isn't going to make this any easier on you. Until you get your MRI then anything we say to you is pointless.

Sorry, but there it is.

21-10-18, 16:21
I know im getting on my own nerves. I get up trying to be positive but the left eye pressure is constantly there, dizzy when i bend, lay down or get up. I feel so foggy headed and irritable and angry with everyone. Im sorry for all the posts.

---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Just been to opticians and paid extra for a scan. All normal.

21-10-18, 16:37
Just been to opticians and paid extra for a scan. All normal.

"Told Ya So Gang" will be on standby for the normal MRI results. . What will it take to convince you?

Positive thoughts

21-10-18, 17:39
Dont know fishmanpa, im only convinced when the symptoms go away or scans are clear.

21-10-18, 18:13
What else can cause left side headache/temple. Left side tingling/twitching, left eye pain, off balance, numbness and tingling in hands/feet and etc, stiff shoulder/neck, brain fog, confusion and generally feel shattered and awful apart from the obvs big c?

Anxiety can, sure.

So can TMJ disorder.

So can migraine. I have had chronic (i.e. daily) vestibular migraine since February especially earlier in the year I had literally every single one of those symptoms every single day to some varying extent (although headache is very slight). The brain fog, anxiety, and depression mostly faded away around May once I came to realize (from testing including MRI) that I was not in danger. The tingling is now intermittent but still hangs around.

There are likely to be other possible causes too that I'm not aware of. The MRI will rule out the bad stuff, so assuming you get a clear MRI result, you owe it to yourself to trust the result and relinquish the anxiety. You might still feel like crap from the physical symptoms but at least you won't be anxious.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

22-10-18, 16:52
Honestly feel like im on the edge of cracking up. Dont want to see anyone, snapping at my kids, constant mind chatter going over and over all day "im dizzy because i have a brain tumour, my side of heads feels bashed in because i have a brain tumour, cant think straight beacause i have a brain tumour" i cant cope feeling like this.

22-10-18, 16:55
Zippy look back on your previous posts. You have been here before and got over it and you will again.

22-10-18, 18:34
I know just feel so bad that i wont this time.

22-10-18, 18:38
So a bit of an over drramitc post title Zippy?

it is up to you to find the answer that works for you but seeking re assurace is never the answer

22-10-18, 19:21
I feel like i havent been this bad.

24-10-18, 13:18
Sorry for all the posts. My brain feels on fire inside on the left. In the middle of brain t fears. As well as pressure on left and dizziness. It hasnt let up for over 2 weeks. Had my eyes tested on sunday and thought it would have gave me a little reassurance but obviously not 🤬. Keep thinking getting your eyes checked wont see all brain t's.

24-10-18, 14:59
Zippy can you try and keep your posts to one thread.

You know that re assurance never lasts for long.

Time to deal with the HA again I am afraid