View Full Version : ALS anxiety

24-10-18, 23:08
Hello all,

About a week ago I started feeling a vague sensation in my hand; it is best described as a stiffness or fatigue. I am however able to move normally, it just feels like my right hand moves less accurately. It has since crept up to my forearm, and there are some tender spots under my muscles. I am less dextrous with my arm movements; for instance when I do 'jazz hands', I am way less fast with my right hand than with my left. It is also worse in the evenings; when I get up I hardly notice it.

The rational part of my brain is pretty sure that I have a mild form of tendonitis, but I've developed a huge anxiety attack over ALS now. I've had these before, seeing as I have had BFS for a few years now.

I am very conscious of how my arm feels, and have a hard time getting up in the morning because I am afraid that it still feels the same.

It would be great if someone was able to tell me that my fears are ungrounded.

24-10-18, 23:11
You use the word "feel" and "feeling" quite a bit in your post. ALS is about FAILING not "feeling".

Please read THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as often as you need to.

Positive thoughts