View Full Version : I miss my mom in college

25-10-18, 04:32
Hi all,

I am at college and after several weeks, my mom came to visit for a few days. However, she's going back home now and I'm super super sad I miss her so much she's my best friend and I love her so much. I'll see her when the semester ends in like 45 days, but I miss her so much. Any tips? I can't seem to focus at the moment.

25-10-18, 08:12
Big hugs.
Take comfort from the fact you can call, FaceTime, text.... I know it’s not the same as a big Mum hug, but it won’t be long until Christmas.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-10-18, 09:11

Your post made me so sad, yet really happy. I'll explain why - firstly it sounds like it might be your first term at college/university and this is a really tough time. Many students feel unhappy at times as they miss home and their families, its often not the 'cool' thing to admit, but many do. It makes me happy as you have such love for your mother and that will still be there, and still is there throughout this term and the rest of your life.You will always be best friends and that doesn't change just because you are away from home. Infact when you get back things will be so wonderful, even more wonderful and you will have so much to tell her.

So, there are a few things you can do - there is a probably a talking/helpline or some emotional support available through the college? I don't know the system there, but here we have facilities where students can ring a number connected to the university and talk things through. (Hopefully a US person will come along and help on this ). Secondly, whatsapp/instant message often. Send each other pictures of what you are doing, cooking you've done, something interesting you've seen. My daughter is now in her second year at university, and we do this each and every day many many times, we are still sharing in each others' lives. She sends pictures even of her cooking that day - and I feel like she really isn't far away. If your Mum is techno-savvy I hope this is possible. Thirdly - set yourself social aims, attend something extracurricular so that you are meeting others and making new friends.

Please feel free to talk about it further, I have a few more suggestions :o) take good care. Oh and remember, if you are like universities here, you have mega long holidays! I worked out that my daughter was home for almost longer than she was away!

25-10-18, 16:31

Thanks so much for your suggestions! I Facetime her every day. Really, 6 and half weeks isn't that long right?

25-10-18, 17:00
No, its not, fill your time - work hard, get involved in things and you will have loads to talk about when you get back. The days will go quickly and before you know it (its nearly November now!) it will be time to go home. :D