View Full Version : Oh no, think ive sinusitis now

24-08-07, 09:52
The last 3 days ive had a painful eyebrow to touch and alot of pressure on right side of face but ive just been steaming and keeping dosed up on pain killers.

I saw dr wednesday about my cough, was taking Jemima so asked if he would check my chest and he said it was clear now so the bronchitis has cleared. I am still coughing but its mucus in my throat that I cough up and its clear so I guess its on its way out.

Last night though my right side of face ached like mad, right ear and the crown of my head on right side (you don't have sinuses here do you??lol) it was throbing so I steamed and went to bed.

This morning its eased abit but still throbing, ive taken paracetamol and steamed again.

Surely if I had full blown sinusitis id really know about it? I have had a cold with the bronchitis and I usually get a mild sinus infection following a cold but whenever I go the dr with pain in my sinuses he almost always gives me strong antibiotics if the bones over eyes or in cheek hurt to touch. I don't want more antibiotics, ive had 2 lots in the last 6 weeks, 500mg ones for sinuses & then the bronchitis and I also do not want to go back the dr 2 days after seeing him. Would you just leave it and see how it goes? should it clear on its own? I always worry about the complications of sinusitis:mad:

I saw a homeopath wednesday night and I have a remedy which he says will clear the sinusitis, he suspects its a chronic problem ive got, my CT scan was fine last november though but I have suffered alot this year, very annoying.

I am rather stressed and run down at the moment, I really hope the homeopathy works, im desperate.

24-08-07, 23:20
i have sinus pain all the time at the moment, and it usually affects my head. i feel tingling and pressure around my crown and pain in my forehead and sometimes my eyebrows are tender to touch. my doctor said this was nothing to worry about and didn't give me any antibiotics. she said stress and anxiety easily causes it (and so does even the slightest bit of alcohol in my case) so i have to just get on with it.

i know it's worrying and uncomfortable but i try and convince myself that my doctor would take further tests/give me a prescription if she was worried.

the more you think about it the worse it gets, especially when you have pain/pressure/tension in your head. i know that find it hard to ignore it, but it's the only time it goes away funnily enough!


24-08-07, 23:30
I had it last week (cold, headaches and pain on top of head that moved about) I also had a doctors appointment for my anxiety so I asked him about pain on top of head and he said probably sinuses. :)

25-08-07, 20:22
Thank you both so much. The weather and alcohol sets mine off too.