View Full Version : Held in a sneeze, now worried

25-10-18, 22:58
Hey, I just held in a sneeze (I didn’t hold my nose but I did keep my mouth closed), then afterwards remembered hearing about it being dangerous, googled it and got freaked out. They said you could even have a brain aneurysm (although rare) by holding a sneeze in. Has anyone held their sneeze in before? Now my head feels weird and I’m not sure if I’m just imagining it. I live alone too so now I’m scared to go to sleep :(

25-10-18, 23:08
Hey, I just held in a sneeze (I didn’t hold my nose but I did keep my mouth closed), then afterwards remembered hearing about it being dangerous, googled it and got freaked out. They said you could even have a brain aneurysm (although rare) by holding a sneeze in. Has anyone held their sneeze in before? Now my head feels weird and I’m not sure if I’m just imagining it. I live alone too so now I’m scared to go to sleep :(

Do you think you’d be here typing if you were in the midst of a brain aneurysm?

25-10-18, 23:10
Do you think you’d be here typing if you were in the midst of a brain aneurysm?

No, I’m just scared about it coming later :(

25-10-18, 23:11
No, I’m just scared about it coming later :(

Like how much later? If it was caused by this sneeze situation, you think you’re going to have a related aneurysm in a day or 2?

26-10-18, 00:41
Has anyone held their sneeze in before?

Yes many times....

26-10-18, 01:32
Yes for 24 years I’ve held my sneeze all my life :blush: just a few weeks ago did I find out it actually is kinda bad to do that so I’ve been trying not too but it’s a habit of mine. I’m fine though so no worries about you doing a few times :yesyes:

26-10-18, 01:47
I think this is just one of the long list of medical "we know this can happen when the body does this" possibilities. For instance, every time we go to the toilet we may push and this can cause a certain level of pressure that leads to X, which can also be caused by how we naturally lift a heavy object or when having sex (even alone :blush:). But how often do you hear about anything happening in a function billions of people around the world do millions of times throughout their lives?

26-10-18, 06:09
I have an aortic aneurysm and was told not to hold in the sneezes, that said, holding a sneeze in is not going to cause an aneurysm, it is just unhealthy if you already have one. You are fine.