View Full Version : This is a negative post (My Apologies)

26-10-18, 08:30
Good morning I have been lightheaded and bad tinnitus for two weeks now sleeping well (8 hours a night) really disorientated ,going to bed as the lightheaded is so bad,yes I have been here before many times before have been going out every day but I am exhausted and knackered,just felt like telling someone,my apologies for this negative post,but thank you for reading it,enjoy your day my friends:)

ps,I know that you are supposed to accept how you feel,but how can you accept feeling bad.If I get no replies I do understand as the last thing an anxiety sufferer needs is a post like this one(LOL)

26-10-18, 11:07
Hi Aquilega, I'm having a rubbish time of it right now too. Tinnitus is just the worst, I'm glad you can sleep through it! It's very frustrating to feel this way when you just want to live your life. I have headaches and dizziness, it's taken me nearly an hour to write a very simple email this morning :/

But I know from experience that it'll pass if we do the right things, so hang on in there X

26-10-18, 11:13
Thanks @Lisa101 many thanks for answering my negative post my friend ,Its just that I get so frustrated with myself ,because I create the anxiety ,I floated round Tescos this morning as I do most mornings, and take my little dog for a walk over the field,but as soon as I get back indoors I have time to think(LOL) and away I go.Take care my friend