View Full Version : What to expect at breast clinic

26-10-18, 20:20
Got my appointment and just waiting for the letter - do they do imaging on the day or maybe just a poke about?

26-10-18, 20:33
Surely they have told you what to expect? If not, the letter will tell you when it comes.

27-10-18, 17:30
Nope. She just called for the appointment. I guess it will have a leaflet in the letter

02-11-18, 21:52
Have you been yet?

I had to go once, but as I was under 35 they only did an ultrasound (no mammogram) but they did the imaging and consultant visit in the same appt. If I remember correctly I went straight to the consultant after the ultrasound who then did a manual exam.

If you've already had your appointment then I hope it went well!

02-11-18, 22:10

I wouldn't be surprised if the letter tells you nothing, other than where and when the appointment is. Sadly Nic, literally nobody tells many women in advance what happens at the breast clinic. SOme more enlightened clinics put a leaflet in from breast cancer care about 'what happens at the breast clinic', but not many do.

What happens, kind of depends on if your appointment is a 'one stop clinic' or not. A one stop clinic will do tests as necessary one after the other, however, not all tests are necessary. At other clinics the process is somewhat broken up and they might call you back if you need further tests after the mammogram.

The first thing will probably be a manual examination by the surgeon/consultant, where they will ask you to described your problem and ask questions about your condition and probably your family/any other referrals you have had.

This will probably be followed by a mammogram. However, some clinics do this in reverse, the mammogram first and then see the consultant for the manual examination.Those mammogram results (taken by a radiographer) will then go back to the consultant/surgeon - if you are at a 'one stop clinic' they will review those results immediately and see you at the same a while later to discuss them. Those results may be conclusive, along with the manual examinations and they will be able to tell you that there is a benign condition and what it is. If the mammo is not conclusive, or you have very dense breast tissue (usually younger women) or there is an area they want to exam closer then you will likely have an ultrasound scan.

If after this they see anything that they still want to test further (it doesn't mean its cancer!) they may take a fine needle biopsy which will be sent away for evaluation to the pathology department. I'm afraid you woudln't get those results immediately and they'd likely take a week or so to be returned.

So, any number of things 'could' happen, but for most people they only end up with the manual examination and mammogram. :o)
