View Full Version : Exposed to flu

27-10-18, 06:12
Tonight I went to a work party and one of the hosts was in his room with the door shut shut sick with the flu. Why not cancel the party?? I’m so scared that I will now get the flu. I wouldn’t be so worried except that I shook the (non-sick) spouse’s hand (who then told me about the flu). I wanted to run screaming out of the house but didn’t want to appear like a freak in front of colleagues so managed to stay 20 minutes (we were all standing outside in their courtyard). Flu is my HA trigger due to the fact that my child has health issues so the flu is dangerous for my child. I wouldn’t be worried if I hadn’t shaken the spouse’s hand (who I later saw kept going in to check on the patient). Others at the party didn’t appear dazed and even ate the food laying out (who the host promised wasn’t touched by the sick person). So how likely is it that I’ll get the flu from this situation? I didn’t touch my face and used Hand sanitizer in the car then showered when I got home. (PS I got my flu shot 6 days ago) I’m also of course worried now that even if I don’t get the flu that someone else will who was at the party who will then give it to me since I see these people every day!!

27-10-18, 10:10
I am surprised that your child is not immunised against the flu virus?

27-10-18, 14:49
My child has had the flu vaccine. We all know it’s often ineffective.

---------- Post added at 06:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:45 ----------


27-10-18, 16:06
I know the flu is your trigger. Your post history has shown that for years. I've gotten a flu shot for at least the last 20 years. I've not gotten the flu. The one year I didn't over 20 years ago? I got the flu. You got the shot. It certainly worked as you posted about the reaction to it. Your child was vaccinated as well. You're protected. End of story. (Please no "what ifs" or "yeah buts" about cases you read about on Google. The scenario you present is not exposure.)

Positive thoughts

27-10-18, 16:14
Do you have any idea how many germs that you come into contact with each day that you’re never aware of? This “exposure” stands out to you because you’re acutely aware of it, but it was just one of hundreds that day. You’ve done what you can to protect yourself and your child, it’s all you can do. There’s not a lot of sense in worrying about everything else that’s out of your control.

27-10-18, 16:17
Thanks Fish. I’m frustrated with myself for seeking reassurance.

Last week my child went through some medical tests for some very scary potential diagnoses. While waiting all week for the results, I kept myself busy and did not let myself devolve into the what-if’s or google. I was proud of myself. Yesterday afternoon we got very positive and relieving news. Then last night I went to this office party. Now I’m spinning out.

28-10-18, 01:50
Since you have a child considered at risk it's going to be normal for any parent to be more cautious. It's also going to be normal for any parent to be angry at someone who doesn't declare they are ill.

As you say, flu jabs aren't a complete prevention. They come in the most likely strains for the period they are used hence they change yearly. You can still get another strain. But you have to add some balance to this too because you could be putting yourself into situations where people have been with flu without you even knowing it therefore some of this has to be about sensible prevention steps (hygiene) and the rest keeping an eye out for symptoms.

Is it so different to the parent of a child with a severe nut allergy? You do so much but not to obsessive levels and letting it upset your mental health.

28-10-18, 03:15
Totally agree, Terry. I’ve often thought it must be so scary having a child with a severe nut allergy. The lack of control is scary. I do know my internal reactions are extreme and way past healthy overcaution. It’s exhausting and not helpful to anyone- including me!