View Full Version : Chest pain

27-10-18, 10:58

I have suffered from terrible anxiety for years especially health anxiety, but now everytime I have certain symptoms family and doctors put everything down to anxiety. But I really think my symptoms are heart related now, for the last week on and off I have terrible chest pain and back pain, first of all I thought I was coming down with flu as I felt really weak and achy but had a slight cold but nothing more, but these pains are bad, I woke up last night in sheer panic as the pains really hurt, my back hurts too and when I woke up today all down my right side and lower back was tight and painful. My side ribs hurt when i press and it my chest feels bruised. i had ectopics yesterday which freaked me out more. I told my husband that I think I should go to hospital but he said I don't need to go as its all anxiety and tension, i'm so scared sometimes I get to the stage where I really don't think I can live like this every day is a battle. Can these pains really be anxiety. I'm also struggling with the menopause which is awful :weep:

28-10-18, 10:56
I have been getting the chest pains and my heart feels like its racing my legs ate all wobbly, I posted yesterday about my pains to see if anyone could relate to this and put it down to anxiety but no one replied. I onow everyone around me is fed up with me and my anxiety/ health anxiety. I kerp arguing with my husband and he says he has had enough with my health worries and wont let me bring him down. I hate being like this, I literally feel so ill, my chest/ back hurts so much when i move my upper back clicks my neck aches and hurts to press i feel so unsteady. I’m in my menopause which I know makes anxiety worse but i literally cannot cope anymore i have no one to turn to, my gp even moans that i need to be more positive. I do see a therapist but thats just to talk about my problems. I want to run away, these pains are real. I wake up every morning in sheer terror, is this really anxiety? Please can someone help reassure me that anxiety can make you feel this ill. I feel like i’m constantly shaking.

28-10-18, 19:47
My doctor told me that if your ribs hurt when you press them, it's usually something called costochondritis, which is a slight harmless inflammation of the rib muscles, usually linked to a virus or cold, or from coughing a lot. The fact that you've had a cold ties in with this. I also had a virus a couple weeks ago, and it caused me a lot of body aches and I was also having shoulder/chest/back pain.

If you are really worried about your chest pain, I would suggest you call NHS 111 and talk to a nurse, or go to a&e just to get checked over, if it will put your mind at ease. Ultimately, it's up to you, not your husband, to decide. They'll probably take an ECG and run some routine blood tests. There is always that option.

The problem is for many anxiety sufferers, a doctor's reassurance only lasts a short while, and then the anxiety over another symptom kicks back in so we end up visiting doctors more and more.

The menopause can also cause all kinds of weird symptoms as your body is changing.

I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious and I hope you feel better soon.

29-10-18, 16:53

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