View Full Version : will my mind ever go back to normal on its own

27-10-18, 15:25
Ive been stuck in this mode for months where I can't really feel excitement for anything anymore or look forward to anything cause I constantly overanalyze my thoughts and feelings. I don't feel happy on my days off anymore. I generally jjust don't feel happy or exited in situations where I used to. Ive been stuck like this for almost 3 months. I just wish I could at least semi go back to my old self. Will my mind ever correct on its own?

27-10-18, 20:07
I'm no expert, but I do believe that the mind self-corrects. I base that purely on personal experience. Prolonged anxiety has a terrible effect on the mind and body. If you could find some way of calming your nervous system, the clouds would clear. Think of it as like shaking up a snowglobe. It takes time for everything to settle and calm down.

How do you achieve that though? That's the question, right? Diet makes a big difference. Also, walking in nature. And get rid of any toxic people in your life. They've got to go. It may seem harsh, but the damage they do is appalling.

27-10-18, 20:46
I'm no expert, but I do believe that the mind self-corrects. I base that purely on personal experience. Prolonged anxiety has a terrible effect on the mind and body. If you could find some way of calming your nervous system, the clouds would clear. Think of it as like shaking up a snowglobe. It takes time for everything to settle and calm down.

How do you achieve that though? That's the question, right? Diet makes a big difference. Also, walking in nature. And get rid of any toxic people in your life. They've got to go. It may seem harsh, but the damage they do is appalling.

This is all completely true.

Something that also MUST be addressed is the reasons that got you here in the first place. In most cases, anxiety disorders begin from prolonged periods of stress. It's fashionable these days to be busy all the time, but that is horrendously bad for you both physically and mentally.

Give yourself a life audit. Try and identify the things that are stressing you, things that you might not have even noticed.

As phoenix76 pointed out, diet is incredibly important. If you eat nothing but junk food, food from boxes and no vegetables, that IS a significant stress.

Assuming you have your health in order and you don't keep focusing on the anxiety, it will go back to normal by itself.

27-10-18, 21:11
Depending on how long and how severely your nerves have been in an excited state, it may take a while of keeping them calm to let them (and you) feel normal again. I wish I could take my own advice: my docs keep urging me to take tranquilizers to give the nervous system a break and a chance to heal, but I fight it and try to "white knuckle" through it.

27-10-18, 22:35
Depending on how long and how severely your nerves have been in an excited state, it may take a while of keeping them calm to let them (and you) feel normal again. I wish I could take my own advice: my docs keep urging me to take tranquilizers to give the nervous system a break and a chance to heal, but I fight it and try to "white knuckle" through it.

Good for you, you can do it without medication, I promise.

27-10-18, 22:57
I used to think and say the same thing and I've heard others say it " how long will this last " and I've been like this x amount of days / months / years , once you stop counting and asking you start forgetting how shite you feel and it does get better , right now you are just bringing it to the front of your mind by thinking about it constantly, being on here is not always the best thing it's a constant reminder but sometimes to need to vent or ask advice .
Stress seems to be a big factor for most on here but how do you avoid it? Life is bloody stressful, if I find a way to manage the stress I'll let you know , haven't worked that one out yet .
Take care and stop counting.

28-10-18, 08:22
Great advice from Buster.

28-10-18, 15:04
Stress seems to be a big factor for most on here but how do you avoid it? Life is bloody stressful, if I find a way to manage the stress I'll let you know , haven't worked that one out yet .

I found you have to look at ALL sources of stress, standing back from your life and taking an objective look at it all.

Diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking too much, staying up until 2am when you don't really need to, buying stuff you don't need and then needing to work more hours... the list could go on.

Fundamentally, it's about looking after yourself physically and mentally as much as you can.

I also found meditation to be profoundly helpful in managing self made mental stress. After a period of learning and practising.

28-10-18, 17:51
I look after myself physically and mentally and still have an anxiety disorder along with other issues. My life is stressful as I'm a carer but I'd still have an anxiety disorder without the stressful life. Something I've accepted as part of me.

28-10-18, 23:03
I look after myself physically and mentally and still have an anxiety disorder along with other issues. My life is stressful as I'm a carer but I'd still have an anxiety disorder without the stressful life. Something I've accepted as part of me.

Why do you think you'd have an anxiety disorder anyway?

29-10-18, 08:11
Because I was born that way as Lady Gaga says:)

29-10-18, 12:55
Because I was born that way as Lady Gaga says:)

I think people can be more prone to anxiety than others, but I also believe that anxiety is a learned state of being based on prolonged physical and/or mental stress.

I don't believe some people are just going to experience anxiety no matter what.

29-10-18, 20:58
I don't smoke , haven't been drunk in seven years , I walk my dogs twice a day and get a fair bit of exercise , I used to drink heavily , took drugs and ate junk for breakfast and was much happier back then , if I took a step back to look at my stressors in life I'd probably keep walking, no matter how much you try to avoid stress sometimes it just finds you and like it or not you have to deal with it , I used to wonder why a close freind took her life and didn't just move away from her problems and start again , I realise now you can't run away from what's going on in your head you just need to learn to accept and cope with it .
I know looking back I always worried about things more than my freinds as a child and I would overthink things that's others brushed off , I know I'm wired up a bit different to others stress makes it worse but it's always been there , doesn't mean you can't live with it and have a good life .

30-10-18, 08:21
Some people just take their anxiety with them no matter what changes they make to their lifestyle/diet/mindset etc etc etc. It doesn't mean that you can't live with it and make the best of things as Buster says. It's ok to accept that you are wired like this. Some people make this decision to accept and others don't and search for a way out. That's all fine. We are all different in how we cope with an anxiety disorder.