View Full Version : Question about lymph nodes

28-10-18, 05:06
I had a cough for a week or two nothing insufferable until my throat started to hurt and just genially felt blah all over so I went to the hospital late last night because I couldn't take it any more especially when I felt lymph nodes in my neck and armpit feel swollen the armpit been swollen for a little bit but I thought maybe I had a virus or something went to the hospital got my throat swabbed with the cotton swab and found out that I had strep throat so that would explain the lymph nodes in my neck but would strep throat cause a lymph node in my armpit to swell as well since my whole body kinda felt bad?

28-10-18, 05:39
Yes I think that would also cause the underarm to be sensitive since your whole body is fighting. You didn’t mention it to the hospital ?

28-10-18, 06:31
I tried to but they just brushed it off and since it was close to midnight I think they just wanted to get me in and out they didn't give me a blood test or anything other than a swab even though I told them my whole body felt bad but since my throat was the worst thing that was hurting they just swabbed my throat and tested it and said I had strep throat and prescribed me a z pack to take for it.

28-10-18, 06:59
I would feel calm if I were you. You are sick with strep so that itself is what has your whole body fighting. Especially since u did mention it to them they must hear this as a symthom often

28-10-18, 13:07
I tried to but they just brushed it off and since it was close to midnight I think they just wanted to get me in and out they didn't give me a blood test or anything other than a swab even though I told them my whole body felt bad but since my throat was the worst thing that was hurting they just swabbed my throat and tested it and said I had strep throat and prescribed me a z pack to take for it.

So they didn't brush you off at all. In fact, to imply what you did is not how an ER works. That would be negligence if it were the case. You told them your symptoms, they examined and tested you, got a diagnosis and prescribed medication :shrug: Take your meds, get some rest and all will be well.

Positive thoughts

29-10-18, 04:49
I know that you are right and that everything will be fine especially after I finish off the antibiotics but it's my anxiety that messes with my mind and won't leave anything alone and it starts making me question you know the usual stuff about lymph nodes what if it's dangerous what if I got lymphoma or whatever I try my best to think more rationally like alright I'm sick so it must be from the sickness but than I think would strep throat really cause a lymph node to swell in my armpit but I can't google it because I know that it won't really answer my question and I know that it won't go that well for me.

29-10-18, 05:16
If in 2 or 3 weeks your still having problems with the underarm nodes then go see a doctor if you want but for now you have a reason for it which is the strep. Sometimes they come up there and people don’t even have a reason for it and it goes away on its own. Unless they are HUGE like over 2-3 CM for a long time then it’s nothing to rush for especially after already seeing a doctor.