View Full Version : Strange marks on chest

28-10-18, 06:03
Safe for work, cropped picture: https://imgur.com/a/QwxTs19

I have these faded light brown marks all over the top half of my chest that look like tea stains or something.

I think I’ve had them for a while, at least a year but it could be two, but I can’t remember or think exactly how long. But it seems like it’s spreading now/within the past couple of months. I have two on the mid section of my abdomen that I never had before

They don’t wash off, they don’t sting, and they don’t hurt. They’re just there.

Of course I’m panicking because it really doesn’t look normal :/

Thank you

28-10-18, 19:35
They look like cafe au lait spots, which are usually just harmless patches of melanin. If you are worried or feel they have developed recently, I would suggest seeing your doctor this week if possible, just to check them over. It's always good to get a professional opinion.

28-10-18, 19:57
I would suggest seeing your doctor this week if possible, just to check them over. It's always good to get a professional opinion.

Based on Toby's post history and age, this is not something to worry about or pursue a doctor visit :lac:

Positive thoughts

28-10-18, 20:15

Toby, you have been on for 3 1/2 years and there is a recurrent theme that runs through your posts - that of skin changes/spots/clusters of petechiea. I can see that you are majorly triggered by anything you see on your skin, but you need to realise that human skin isn't porcelain and as you get older (I don't know how old you are) all sorts of patches, marks, spots and things appear. The HUGE VAST majority of these changes for the HUGE VAST majority of people are quite normal and benign. I know you are having difficulties in differentiating what is a normal change from a worrying change, but I would agree with FMP, there is no need for anyone to go dashing off to a doctor for some brown patches (which are probably just from having your top off in the summer sun - is that possible?) which have been gradually increasing for months.

I would suggest seeing your doctor this week if possible, just to check them over. It's always good to get a professional opinion.
Learning to apply some self-reassurance is the right way to go, not just dashing to medics all the time.This is where HA shows its head, as its certainly not always needed to get a professional opinion at all. If each person in society dashed to their GP within a one week time-frame, for some (brown) patches that have been there for ages, then there would be no doctors' appointments for the sick people.

I could look at my left arm now and list off to you a huge number of different 'blemishes', ranging from huge freckles, one tiny mole, to scars from insect bites and injuries, a few insect bite lumps that remained, a sprinkle of petechiea etc.Things change on your body throughout life, and why not give it a few months and see if they look any different?

I know you also have a 'have I got rectal cancer' thread running - why look for another thing, by scrutinising your body in minute detail, to worry about?

29-10-18, 05:08
Thank you all for your amazing replies.

I don't think they're cafe au lait spots because these aren't brown.

I'm terrified that they're jaundice.

And yeah Carys but I have a deep red mark that I thought was bruising from leukemia on my foot that I haven't obsessed too much about yet.

And I'm 18. I think they've been there for a couple years- at least one- but now they've started spreading across my abdomen. It started off as one or two. And yeah I do have a rectal cancer thread running, I'm sort of scared that this is jaundice caused by metastasised colon cancer ---> liver.

29-10-18, 05:16
Trust me, I saw a friend die of exactly what you mentioned. Colon cancer mets to liver and bone, and that is not what jaundice from liver cancer looks like. Not even remotely.

29-10-18, 08:08
Toby are you getting any help with your HA or any kind of support at all?

29-10-18, 11:38
Toby are you getting any help with your HA or any kind of support at all?

No but I really don't care to get help since that would be pretending my symptoms don't exist

29-10-18, 11:48
No but I really don't care to get help since that would be pretending my symptoms don't exist

No-one is saying that your symptoms don't exist but they definitely do not mean what you think they do.

Your perspective of what is going on is totally skewed due to your anxiety.

Some help to stop the OTT examinations etc could go a long way to help you get a more balanced vision of what is going on.

29-10-18, 11:49
No but I really don't care to get help since that would be pretending my symptoms don't exist

Can I ask why you are therefore posting on a forum called 'No more panic'? The users here, certainly the long-term experienced posters, try to help people deal with their mental health issues. We can't and don't know about physical illnesses, we aren't doctors or gastro specialists.

Nobody has said your symptoms don't exist. What we 'see' from your posting history and from everything you are telling us now, is a different reason for your symptoms than the catastrophic ones you are imagining.