View Full Version : Seeing a vortex in the sky when out side

26-10-18, 12:11
So this is something I was worrying about all the way back when my anxiety started. I was about 14 at the time and I’m now 19. I remember being worried about my eyes because the sun made me see weird shapes (won’t get into that now). So I was googling and came across glaucoma some how and it said as one of the symptoms rainbow rings and halos around lights. It wasn’t till after I read that (yes after) that I noticed them. I started looking at lights and was like “oh yeah I see that” and then proceeded to panic. Or that’s the way I remember it maybe I got them first and then googled but I’m pretty sure it was the other way around, can’t always trust memory though.

Anyway I was worried about that for ages, constantly checking for it. Freaking out over any light I saw. Can’t remember why I stopped worrying about it in the end. I was to scared to get my eyes checked because at the time was convinced they would find a brain tumour. So I just told my self it was normal and got on with life.

Fast forward like 3/4 years to now. Last night I was worried about my temple hurting when I chew and cough and sniff. I have had a bad cold and cough the last week so logically it is just muscle pain, but then I just had to google. It came up with something called “temporal arthritis” which lead me onto glaucoma and reminded me that rings around lights are very much not normal. So now I’m freaking out all over again about something I completely forgot about. I honestly wish google didn’t exist.

I have been turning the light on my phone on and when I look at it there is a blue and green ring around it. There is also halos around street lights and starburst (which I didn’t even know wasn’t normal) around lights. It’s not every light but it’s on bright lights. Now I can’t stop looking at every light and checking for it and I’m convinced I’m going blind.

26-10-18, 12:36
So I was googling..... I just had to google.... I’m convinced I’m going blind.

Says it all :lac:

Positive thoughts

26-10-18, 19:35
So I just had a look out side at the street lamps and car headlights and I don’t get halos like I thought but I see starbust and it looks like there is a ghost image of the lights, is this normal? It doesn’t seem right to me.

26-10-18, 19:50
You're hyper-focusing on a normal bodily function and anomaly. It really is as simple as that. Ask anyone to focus on lights and look for halos and they'll see them. It's no different than someone saying they constantly hear their heartbeat. Again, ask anyone to focus on it and they can hear it too.

Otherwise, like all the other noise our bodies create, normally, we just tune it out. HA sufferers tend to hone in on these things and along with Dr. Google, attribute sinister reasons to them.

Positive thoughts

26-10-18, 22:29
I think it's normal to see the dispersing of light around light - the halo is something completely different and almost like a blanket of light - I think what you're seeing is normal - I see it too and I don't have glucoma or however your spell it.

28-10-18, 10:57
When I’m outside if I look at the sky or a plain surface such as a white wall I see this vortex thing that moves away from my eyes. It’s really hard to explain and when I have tried explaining it to people they look at me like I am mad. The only way I can explain it is grey moving blobs that go towards the Center of my vision like a vortex. (A bit like the doctor who intro) it gets more intense the longer I am outside and then once I’m back inside it goes away. The more I stare at it the more intense it gets too.

I have had it it for 5 and half years now, I can actually remember the day I started seeing it when I was 13. It totally consumed my life, I was terrified I had a brain tumour and was for like 2 years. Every time I went outside it was all I could see. Then I slowly just accepted it and stop worried but it never went away. These days I still see it but I’m better at ignoring and blocking it out and shut getting on with what I’m doing but it’s still there. Then recently I have been worried about it and have convinced myself I have had a brain tumour all this time.

There is pretty much nothing online about this, I saw a few people on reddit saying they get it too but I’m not sure if they are experiencing the same thing as me, it sounds like it though.

28-10-18, 13:11
I posted this on your previous thread...

You're hyper-focusing on a normal bodily function and anomaly. It really is as simple as that. Ask anyone to focus on lights and look for halos and they'll see them. It's no different than someone saying they constantly hear their heartbeat. Again, ask anyone to focus on it and they can hear it too.

Otherwise, like all the other noise our bodies create, normally, we just tune it out. HA sufferers tend to hone in on these things and along with Dr. Google, attribute sinister reasons to them.

Positive thoughts