View Full Version : my son abroad is having panic attacks, what do I do

28-10-18, 16:46
My son just turned 17 and is on a youth exchange for a year. He is now two months into his 10 month exchange and it is not getting easier. He is now having what he thinks are panic attacks and paralyzing anxiety. He has never been diagnosed with this but it seems accurate from what I can tell even though I am not a doctor. His host family is not warm and supportive thus he has no one to turn to for comfort. He has sketchy wifi for reading articles about this but can get texts. What can I share with him to help? I am trying to get him a therapist he can email with and he has a dog he lives with that I hope he can cuddle with but he might have to come home if he can not find the right tools.

28-10-18, 17:26
Refer him here where he can read about panic attacks and GAD.

Positive thoughts

28-10-18, 17:40

You must be absolutely worried sick about this. Your 17 year old lad so far away and little you feel you can do to help. What country is he in, are they English speakers?

I agree with FMP, I know he doesn't have great internet access and getting on here might be a problem, but if he can then tell him to read the help articles.

You could copy and paste sections into texts and send them, part by part.