View Full Version : please help? blue nail beds?

28-10-18, 18:52
I was sitting on my laptop and I realised that the nailbeds on my right hand looked quite purplish blue. I have been feeling slightly short of breath all day today.

To be fair, it was only on one hand, my arm had been bent and I had been slightly leaning on that arm, so my circulation to that hand can't have been that great. Also, my room is quite cold, and the fingers felt cold to touch on that hand. My other hand felt warm. I went and had a shower and they turned pinkish again. Also, if my blood oxygen levels were low, wouldn't the nails on both hands have turned blue?

Now both hands feel tingly and my eyes are twitching because I'm hyperventilating and having a panic attack :/

28-10-18, 19:50
To be fair, it was only on one hand, my arm had been bent and I had been slightly leaning on that arm, so my circulation to that hand can't have been that great. Also, my room is quite cold, and the fingers felt cold to touch on that hand. My other hand felt warm. I went and had a shower and they turned pinkish again. Also, if my blood oxygen levels were low, wouldn't the nails on both hands have turned blue? So, you don't think all the reasons you gave here are the most plausible? Seriously? :wacko: Your hand was cold, you warmed it and it was therefore no longer cold and the 'blue' went. Come on Peachy123.....lets work on this.....you had multiple reason for the finger nails being less pink on one side, why should that be about blood oxygen levels? If you don't believe me, go put one hand in the fridge (close the door as much as you can), stand there without moving it for a long time and see how the nails look. I know you were freaked by some occurrences this last week that resulted in your going to a and e (I presume you were pronounced ok at the end of it?) but logic suggests that if you had anything wrong with blood oxygenation levels it would be not just one hand ?

On another thread on this page, you've just given some very good advice to someone else about believing results and having confidence that there was nothing wrong. You should try and apply it to yourself as well. ;o)