View Full Version : MS terror back with a vengeance - please help

24-08-07, 13:38
I've been getting slowly better anxiety-wise, but now it seems all my hard work is to be udone by a new symptom which has brought back all my MS worries.

I've had headaches, dizziness and tingling, and put these down to anxiety and tension (trying hard not to think about brain tumours). I sometimes get achey eyes too, when I move them. I also have chronic stomach problems and the docs are trying to figure out what it is (they don't know so far). Now I've developed a dodgy bladder - keep feeling like it's not quite empty, or like I have to go urgently, or there are twinges down there even when the rest of me is relaxed. I would say it's anxiety-related but for the first time in ages I've been feeling like I was getting better and happier.

I know I shouldn't think 'worst-case scenario', but I can't help it. Put these things together and why couldn't it be MS? I don't want to run back to the GP yet again but I'm so worried about sliding back into the anxiety/panic/worry cycle and it's the symptoms that bring it on for me.

I'm hoping someone can put my mind at rest, or advise me somehow. I's be so grateful, I'm so worried and tired with all this. :weep:

Thanks for reading everyone.

Anna. x

24-08-07, 14:14
:hugs: Hi Anna,

Has your doc ever mentioned IBS?. It's just some of your symptoms are like mine i.e. stomach and bladder problems. If it helps I've had eye pain for a while now and after diagnosing a brain tumour I've now fingers crossed diagnosed sinus. Isn't it just awful when we are doing so well and it only takes one wee blip to set us off again hun :hugs: Your like me not wanting to contact doctor as this sets us off on continuous visits :hugs: You have done so well Anna hun keep fighting these thoughts and always stay positive and I hope and pray this wee blip passes soon for you. xxx

24-08-07, 14:17
Thank you so much for replying. I know this sounds daft but your kind words and concern made me cry! Kind of with relief though, if that makes sense...I don't know what I'd do without the wonderful people on this forum.

I'm going to phone my therapist and make an appointment right now. Thought I was okay to 'go it alone' but maybe not yet :wacko:

Thank you again :)

Anna. x

24-08-07, 14:19
Awww Anna I didn't mean to make you cry darling :hugs: you keep your chin up sweetheart and we are all here for you :hugs: xxx

26-08-07, 14:33
Hi, Blackstar.

I do have gone through ms worries with a lot of your symptoms, and mine turned out to be anxiety related, I have been extremely suprised just how anxiety can make your body do strange things, when i was like this it was like I scanned my body for any unusual movement/feeling and then think about it and before I knew where I was I have whipped myself up into the biggest frenzy and spent ages in meltdown.

My recent one was me having weak feeling in my hands and numbness, it was a thread on here in the health anxiety section called symptoms, where everytone listed what they suffered from, and I was very relieved to read that a number of people had that too, and it was no suprise when a few days later they felt so much better again.

I am sure yours are anxiety related, have a quick look at that thread, it might make you feel better too.:hugs: