View Full Version : Esophageal issues, going crazy

30-10-18, 02:02
Hey guys, in my last post all the people that replied did an amazing job in reassuring me, thank you so much first of all, but now I知 seriously worried about esophageal cancer, so I went to the hospital fearing an heart attack as I had an intense dull ache right in the middle of my chest going up to my throat, nothing was wrong with my heart, I then started fearing something was wrong with my lungs, but now something that makes so much more sense to me is EC, the location of my pain is right behind my breastbone and goes up to my throat, it is a stabbing dull ache, then I have a really painful throat, started today at noon and it got so bad I had to take a painkiller for it which worked amazing for the throat issue, I then have a weird bitter taste in mouth, the back of my tongue feels like it痴 burning and is really irritaded...I have been doing a treatment for anemia which I知 doing much better, almost in the normal range values, also my great grandad had esophageal cancer I think, not sure if it was stomach or EC...I知 a 21 yo female...does this sound like EC, please help I知 going to try to go to the doctors in two days but I知 so so scared i can barely function

30-10-18, 12:08
You know the deal. The fact you went from lung cancer to esophageal cancer in a couple of days clearly illustrates the problem :winks:

Positive thoughts

30-10-18, 13:49
I知 positive that you致e done enough Googling to know that the chance of a 21Yo F having EC are 0, literally 0.

30-10-18, 14:21
my granddad had esophageal cancer and you would not be able to eat anything solid if you had it and the heartburn would be insufferable. I've had similar discussions about this with my doctor as I was worried it was hereditary (and I have a hiatus hernia which has similar symptoms), and she said it wasn't. She also said I was low risk as I don't smoke at all, and only drink occasionally and it was usually older people that get it and not to worry.