View Full Version : Petition To Further Restrict Fireworks (UK)

30-10-18, 02:35
Hi all,

Just seen this pop up in my Change.org petitions and thought it would be of interest to people on here.

Many of us have pets or care for animals so we understand how this can upset them. Some have anxiety issues where loud bangs set them off, I used to have my issues with this when my GAD was much worse. Some of you may be on the Autistic spectrum or have loved ones who are and may struggle with these noises.


I'm at the stage now where I don't see much point in them. We did our garden displays when we were kids. But now maybe it's time to shift it to public displays only remove fireworks from sale?

There are too many idiots around who let them off in the daytime or the middle of night let alone the ones who cause housefires and other problems.

30-10-18, 10:19
I think with the increase of powerful fireworks on the market and easily available to the public and the wrong hands, it is detrimental something is done.
When we had our pub, we wouldn't use our grounds on bonfire night for the safety of our customers, we would get permission to use a field on the other side of the river, so it annoys me when our neighbours are using what you call commercial fireworks in their back gardens just so they can impress their friends. Until one gets injured. :lac:

30-10-18, 10:54
I agree, I'm fed up of fireworks going off for - it seems like weeks either side of 'firework night'. On the actual firework night they often go here until the early hours and with distressed dogs its an awful period of time - despite every possible avenue explored with calming them. Its a miserable time in this house, as we need to alter everything to stop dogs climbing the walls -they won't go outside at all, won't eat, closed curtains, music blaring and lots of other distractions. Nothing really works though and you end up with shaking animals on your lap till morning.

Its the wildlife I wonder about too.....poor things.....

30-10-18, 13:26
ALSO restricting it all to public displays will reduce the amount of anxiety caused in household pets, I used to love small back garden displays but Im not really sure what they achieve now

31-10-18, 02:29
I think with the increase of powerful fireworks on the market and easily available to the public and the wrong hands, it is detrimental something is done.
When we had our pub, we wouldn't use our grounds on bonfire night for the safety of our customers, we would get permission to use a field on the other side of the river, so it annoys me when our neighbours are using what you call commercial fireworks in their back gardens just so they can impress their friends. Until one gets injured. :lac:

Yes, the rockets now would rival the North Korean military parade http://yoursmiles.org/psmile/military/p0225.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/p-military.php)

Not only the size but they have those boxes with hundreds of little ones in. They remind me of the rocket launcher trucks the military have!

As usual it's become about looking better than other people rather than just having fun so people want bigger & better.

---------- Post added at 02:00 ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 ----------

I agree, I'm fed up of fireworks going off for - it seems like weeks either side of 'firework night'. On the actual firework night they often go here until the early hours and with distressed dogs its an awful period of time - despite every possible avenue explored with calming them. Its a miserable time in this house, as we need to alter everything to stop dogs climbing the walls -they won't go outside at all, won't eat, closed curtains, music blaring and lots of other distractions. Nothing really works though and you end up with shaking animals on your lap till morning.

Its the wildlife I wonder about too.....poor things.....

Same here. Some years it was months whereas others it's just weeks either side of bonfire night and Xmas. The idiots seem to let them off when they get home from school, work, the pub, etc. The one in the middle of the night is the most bizarre, as if they just can't get through the night with "a hit". Why just one banger? :shrug: Seems more like just to get on other people's nerves to me.

We are pretty lucky as our dog isn't too bad. He has problems on the main nights because it's close to the house and the whizzing rockets are unusual. He can stand on the chair and watch them out of the window but he won't go out with it all if it's too close so we have to make sure he does his business earlier. Then he may go and hide behind the chair furthest from the window that is surrounded by walls/stuff as a hidey hole.

On one of the pet sites I have used they had a mailshot showing a dog hide. Just throwing a blanket over some chairs and putting his bed in there, some toys and spending some time in there fussing.

I wonder how Poppy gets on as she has a dog that needs medication from the vet for his/her nervous nature.

I feel sorry for the poor little things, they just feel afraid. The wildlife must be terrified.

---------- Post added at 02:29 ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 ----------

ALSO restricting it all to public displays will reduce the amount of anxiety caused in household pets, I used to love small back garden displays but Im not really sure what they achieve now

Looking back it was less about the fireworks and more about having a good time with all the family. Dad would be in & out lighting stuff and mum would be making hotdogs for us all.

That's what we enjoyed.

I've never understood the point of bangers either. :shrug: It's just a loud fart. Unless you are blowing something up with them what's the point other than to outdo each other with a louder fart? :doh:

31-10-18, 10:22
I've made dog-hides, draped blankets over various items to make caves with beds and toys inside....didn't work. I think they just need drugging LOL (which I won't do) Its the randomness of it that get to them I think, as you say one sudden loud rocket at the dead of night. When the large display is on not far away they seem fine.

31-10-18, 14:07
For those with pets who are petrified I have worked out this routine for mine over the years and it really does help.

For fireworks night itself feed a carb heavy meal before dark.

Valarian compound is a great natural sedative and it works quickly if you are caught out.

Body wraps also lessen anxiety. My preference is for a horses excercise bandage or a knitted scarf as they both have a bit of give in them. https://barkpost.com/diy-anxiety-wrap/

If all else fails my dogs love Baileys so I give them a little of that to help them relax.

Apart from my dogs which are my life the stories of fireworks being directed at emergency workers and today a blind woman should really be more than enough to persuade the goverment that they should not be sold to the public.

We had a volley of them going off at 5.30am the other morning. Only the lack of police sirens convinced me that it wasn't a gunfight

02-11-18, 02:56
Ooh, a sw-anky pooch on Baileys, eh? :biggrin:

Thanks for the link, Elen. I've seen the thunder jackets before but not this. I thought those were acupressure points though? The scarf option is very easy and I can understand how it feels like a hug to them, which they always love.

It's such an obvious & basic solution too as when you think about it they do like to lie all over each other for comfort and a garment that smells of mum is useful for settling puppies in when they are parted at first.

I can't get my head around the mentality of those idiots but then there are the same clowns who think it's funny to put them through letterboxes or harm animals. :mad:

02-11-18, 13:08
Had some t#t letting off fireworks at 10pm on Wednesday night near me. Yep bl##dy 10pm, so you can't even say it was for the kids.

I'm lucky that my cat's don't care, but the last dog i had would hyperventilate, it was horrid.

02-11-18, 15:30
Had some t#t letting off fireworks at 10pm on Wednesday night near me. Yep bl##dy 10pm, so you can't even say it was for the kids.

I'm lucky that my cat's don't care, but the last dog i had would hyperventilate, it was horrid.

Lightweight. Wait til you get the 3am bangers (I mean fireworks :winks:) 10pm? Shouldn't the kids all be out drinking snakebite? :biggrin:

Kids are off this week so we are getting them in the daylight hours too.

02-11-18, 20:31
Always makes me laugh when we bang on about the country's "austerity" and then we burn a small fortune celebrating the New Year on the South Bank in London...

I loved my family's modest firework display in our garden on November 5th as a child. Things certainly were much simpler then. Now it's all Bigger and Better and Louder and Flashier..

Bah humbug..

02-11-18, 20:46
Hi all,

Just seen this pop up in my Change.org petitions and thought it would be of interest to people on here.

Many of us have pets or care for animals so we understand how this can upset them. Some have anxiety issues where loud bangs set them off, I used to have my issues with this when my GAD was much worse. Some of you may be on the Autistic spectrum or have loved ones who are and may struggle with these noises.


I'm at the stage now where I don't see much point in them. We did our garden displays when we were kids. But now maybe it's time to shift it to public displays only remove fireworks from sale?

There are too many idiots around who let them off in the daytime or the middle of night let alone the ones who cause housefires and other problems.

Terry l have already signed this l totally agree with you,my poor doggies are abosultey petrified l am not against people enjoying bonfire night, but it goes on for weeks and fireworks in the wrong hands are lethal xx

03-11-18, 01:42
Always makes me laugh when we bang on about the country's "austerity" and then we burn a small fortune celebrating the New Year on the South Bank in London...

I loved my family's modest firework display in our garden on November 5th as a child. Things certainly were much simpler then. Now it's all Bigger and Better and Louder and Flashier..

Bah humbug..

Austerity for the many, not the few :winks:

Besides they have to compete with other capital cities around in the world in an ego driven "who's got the bigger rocket" competition :blush:

Must be a compensation thing...you need a female mayor. :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 01:38 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------

Terry l have already signed this l totally agree with you,my poor doggies are abosultey petrified l am not against people enjoying bonfire night, but it goes on for weeks and fireworks in the wrong hands are lethal xx

It's getting plenty of signatures, it went up about 70k over 2 days and it was already 150k by then.

---------- Post added at 01:42 ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 ----------

I can’t see any point to modern fireworks other than them being status symbols for folks who should know better and 'toys' for irritating gits who’ll never know anything.

We used to have a family do on bonfire night. It was only ever November-the-fifth, (unless that was a Sunday, then it would be on the Saturday – the power of respect for Sundays). We’d all stand round watching a badly-made scarecrow getting burnt to ash while we ate cremated spuds – it was great fun (things were so much simpler then)!

If it’s blowing things up you’re into, there are are far cheaper alternatives to fireworks at £££££s a throw (no I won't tell you, because it's anti-social behaviour).

Yes, let’s ban the lot :mad:

Careful, you'll cause someone at GCHQ to knock their coffee off their desk when they suddenly wake up to a noisy alarm.

Surely in these over offended times we should be seeing a backlash against burning a man fighting for Catholicism? It's not very tolerant and liberal. It does make a lot of money though :whistles:

03-11-18, 11:13
I have a green round the back of where i live, lastnight just as my Partner and Boy got home i opened the front door to let them in. At that exact moment the morons over the other side of the green started a firework display on the green. These fireworks were proper industrial things that made the windows rattle. One of my cats that's an indoor cat bolted out the door. It took us nearly 2hrs to find her. We eventually found her quivering under a parked car. What happened to catherine wheels and sparklers.

Horrible experience and very upsetting as it made my Boy and Partner cry. Thought we had lost our cat.

03-11-18, 13:39
Horrible experience for you all but especially for your poor cat, Matt. I hope she is ok now-we had an indoor cat too and it must have been terrible just knowing she was not used to the outside and would be quite terrified.

03-11-18, 14:22
Absolutely unacceptable and those ultra-loud explosive fireworks should be BANNED! They terrify pets and those with noise sensitivity :mad:

If that's the only BANG some people will get, they need to look elsewhere :lac:

03-11-18, 14:32
Horrible experience for you all but especially for your poor cat, Matt. I hope she is ok now-we had an indoor cat too and it must have been terrible just knowing she was not used to the outside and would be quite terrified.

She's fine now Pulisa and thanks for asking. She and her sister sometimes venture out into the back garden if we're out there in the Summer but never venture far from the door.

Horrible experience for her, my boy, partner and me.

I don't know where people could get hold of fireworks like that, they were proper professional things.

03-11-18, 18:02
I have a green round the back of where i live, lastnight just as my Partner and Boy got home i opened the front door to let them in. At that exact moment the morons over the other side of the green started a firework display on the green. These fireworks were proper industrial things that made the windows rattle. One of my cats that's an indoor cat bolted out the door. It took us nearly 2hrs to find her. We eventually found her quivering under a parked car. What happened to catherine wheels and sparklers.

Horrible experience and very upsetting as it made my Boy and Partner cry. Thought we had lost our cat.

Wen't out and had a look on the green earlier and they've left all the shite behind, boxes etc. If it's still there tomorrow, i WILL BE launching it over their fence, MORONS!

03-11-18, 20:42
My son and daughter were at an organised display in Woking Park this evening and the whole place has been evacuated as a major incident has taken place at the funfair..Rumour has it that the helter skelter collapsed..The air ambulance is on the scene..Truly awful. Apparently it's being reported in the national press so the vultures have already pounced on a potentially tragic event.

Catherine S
03-11-18, 20:54
That's awful Pulisa, I hope nobody was badly hurt, especially kiddies :ohmy:

Re fireworks at home, it's something we didn't have to suffer while living in Germany because of course Guy fawkes is part of our history not theirs. They have them mostly at New Year, so it's not something I was looking forward to coming back to...but so far there hasn't been any of the problems of the past. Not being able to buy them until the last few weeks helps I guess.

Cath ☺

03-11-18, 21:25
7 children airlifted to a London hospital...Punters filming the whole thing on their smartphones..Do people have no sense of decency?

03-11-18, 22:20
7 children airlifted to a London hospital...Punters filming the whole thing on their smartphones..Do people have no sense of decency?

That's terrible Pulisa, how awful and nope people have no sense of decency.

This Summer we had a tragic house fire in my home town. It was about 200 yards from where i live. I live in a Close and it was in the road that my Close runs off. It turned out it was an arson attack and a 4 year old boy, his 30 something mother both died and his step dad was critical. It made the national news.

I wen't out to have a fag in the early hrs and heard cracking and popping, turned around and saw it all unfolding. The road where it happened was all taped off and closed for weeks whilst the police investigated it.

Whilst the road was closed for the investigation, people couldn't drive past and see the front of the house so we had a constant stream of traffic driving down our Close just so they could look at the back of the house. We even had people parking up and walking about. Pretty sick in my mind.

03-11-18, 22:49
Well for the first time in her twelve years my older dog hasn't freaked out with the fireworks , I do really like them myself and my old dog would happily sit and watch them , we tried everything to calm her but tough love seems to have worked , when she starts to freak out and tries to climb all over you we now avoid any eye contact and ignore her , I think trying to calm her just keeps fueling her fear .the new ish dog is unfazed by them and went out to see what they were , she barks at the big bangs but not in a fearful way.
They now start towards Halloween and pretty much carry on until new year , it does get too much .
There always seems to be some idiot filming nowadays instead of helping or at least being respectful, in some countries it's against to law not to help someone in danger , over here you'd get someone video a drowning person instead of helping , I'm not sure I'm cut out for the modern world of fu**wits .

03-11-18, 22:57
7 children airlifted to a London hospital...Punters filming the whole thing on their smartphones..Do people have no sense of decency?

unfortunately some people don't shame on them, l wonder how they would feel if it was their loved ones awful xx

04-11-18, 02:35
Terry… “Surely in these over offended times we should be seeing a backlash against burning a man fighting for Catholicism?”

it wasn’t only about a bloke fighting for Catholicism – there was some serious politics involved, too (potent mix that, religion and politics). Wasn’t Catesby the prime mover in that plot? Fawkes was the none-too-bright ‘fall guy’… geddit?

Did I just see some snowflakes?

True, but the truth seldom fits into the text limit of a Tweet :winks:

---------- Post added at 02:30 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ----------

7 children airlifted to a London hospital...Punters filming the whole thing on their smartphones..Do people have no sense of decency?

This modern day rubbernecking really is offensive. Not only will they stand there recording, rather than try to help someone, they will rush to upload it to get likes. In some cases the police haven't even contacted loved ones before this sick behaviour. :mad:

It's mentality I just can't understand. Standing there recording rather than trying to help.

---------- Post added at 02:32 ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 ----------

That's terrible Pulisa, how awful and nope people have no sense of decency.

This Summer we had a tragic house fire in my home town. It was about 200 yards from where i live. I live in a Close and it was in the road that my Close runs off. It turned out it was an arson attack and a 4 year old boy, his 30 something mother both died and his step dad was critical. It made the national news.

I wen't out to have a fag in the early hrs and heard cracking and popping, turned around and saw it all unfolding. The road where it happened was all taped off and closed for weeks whilst the police investigated it.

Whilst the road was closed for the investigation, people couldn't drive past and see the front of the house so we had a constant stream of traffic driving down our Close just so they could look at the back of the house. We even had people parking up and walking about. Pretty sick in my mind.

It's a new form of tourism for some too. Totally sick. :mad:

RIP to your neighbours.

---------- Post added at 02:34 ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 ----------

Well for the first time in her twelve years my older dog hasn't freaked out with the fireworks , I do really like them myself and my old dog would happily sit and watch them , we tried everything to calm her but tough love seems to have worked , when she starts to freak out and tries to climb all over you we now avoid any eye contact and ignore her , I think trying to calm her just keeps fueling her fear .the new ish dog is unfazed by them and went out to see what they were , she barks at the big bangs but not in a fearful way.
They now start towards Halloween and pretty much carry on until new year , it does get too much .
There always seems to be some idiot filming nowadays instead of helping or at least being respectful, in some countries it's against to law not to help someone in danger , over here you'd get someone video a drowning person instead of helping , I'm not sure I'm cut out for the modern world of fu**wits .

I've seen that recommended in general for training, not sure I've seen it about fireworks though, so they learn not to run to you.

Glad your dog is ok. Mine's a little upset tonight. Tomorrow & Monday will be the big days.

---------- Post added at 02:35 ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 ----------

Wen't out and had a look on the green earlier and they've left all the shite behind, boxes etc. If it's still there tomorrow, i WILL BE launching it over their fence, MORONS!

Glad to hear your cats ok, Matt. She must have been terrified, even more so as a house cat stuck out in the unknown.

Yep, the idiots just leave it all behind. Same around here. Good work throwing it over their fences :yesyes:

04-11-18, 13:12
True, but the truth seldom fits into the text limit of a Tweet :winks:

---------- Post added at 02:30 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ----------

This modern day rubbernecking really is offensive. Not only will they stand there recording, rather than try to help someone, they will rush to upload it to get likes. In some cases the police haven't even contacted loved ones before this sick behaviour. :mad:

It's mentality I just can't understand. Standing there recording rather than trying to help.

---------- Post added at 02:32 ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 ----------

It's a new form of tourism for some too. Totally sick. :mad:

RIP to your neighbours.

---------- Post added at 02:34 ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 ----------

I've seen that recommended in general for training, not sure I've seen it about fireworks though, so they learn not to run to you.

Glad your dog is ok. Mine's a little upset tonight. Tomorrow & Monday will be the big days.

---------- Post added at 02:35 ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 ----------

Glad to hear your cats ok, Matt. She must have been terrified, even more so as a house cat stuck out in the unknown.

Yep, the idiots just leave it all behind. Same around here. Good work throwing it over their fences :yesyes:

Terry, I can honestly say that even when they re-opened the road and after driving past once and seeing all the teddies, windmills and flowers on the grass verge, i never drove past again. I turned in the opposite direction, even though it was the long way round.

04-11-18, 16:42
7 children airlifted to a London hospital...Punters filming the whole thing on their smartphones..Do people have no sense of decency?

Sounds like nearly all the kids are ok and the last one is being observed to be sure. That's good news. Recent accidents like this have been sadly worse and no one wants to see any more children harmed.

A hope they stop these things happening and it's not another "lessons will be learnt" empty response.

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

Terry, I can honestly say that even when they re-opened the road and after driving past once and seeing all the teddies, windmills and flowers on the grass verge, i never drove past again. I turned in the opposite direction, even though it was the long way round.

I suspect you won't be alone in that. It must make any parent think.

---------- Post added at 16:42 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

Absolutely unacceptable and those ultra-loud explosive fireworks should be BANNED! They terrify pets and those with noise sensitivity :mad:

If that's the only BANG some people will get, they need to look elsewhere :lac:

I just see the point in a loud bang. :unsure: At least with a rocket you see something.

If the EU can crackdown on loud hoovers they can easily do something here. Our government too.

(Oo er, loud bangs involving fireworks I meant, other loud bangs already fall under police and their public decency laws...:blush:)

07-11-18, 10:18
Had a few fireworks last night but Monday was the main day. It's Diwali now and we usually get a few days of fireworks for this but to be fair they seem to do it more around 6pm for a very short period and then nothing.

My dog spent yesterday snuggled up in his bed looking exhausted. It probably didn't help that we had to take him down the vets early as his contact lens fell out the night before.

How did all your pets, animals and loved ones get on? Is your cat feeling better, Matt?

07-11-18, 12:22
Had a few fireworks last night but Monday was the main day. It's Diwali now and we usually get a few days of fireworks for this but to be fair they seem to do it more around 6pm for a very short period and then nothing.

My dog spent yesterday snuggled up in his bed looking exhausted. It probably didn't help that we had to take him down the vets early as his contact lens fell out the night before.

How did all your pets, animals and loved ones get on? Is your cat feeling better, Matt?

Bless your dog, Terry!!! Contact lenses for dogs? How brilliant is that!

Yes Terry she's fine now. Both her and her sister have never batted an eyelid, but these fireworks were something else, they even made my fish go loopy.

Thanks for asking:)

07-11-18, 13:40
Cheers Matt. Glad to hear they are ok.

No, it's a temporary contact lens because he has an eye ulcer, quite a bad infection according to the vet. He was taken into doggie hospital and the next day they called us to get him to an eye specialist as he may lose the eye. He was in hospital nearly a week having hourly treatments through the day & night until the last day.

Hes been out over a week now and getting much better but the specialist wanted the lens in a good month if possible. The eye treatments are every 6 hours now but expected to go on for weeks. Antibiotics are finished but still on painkillers.

Luckily it was big but spread out so shallow. If it had been deep the specialist would have been more concerned about whether the eye needed something more invasive. He's very lucky.

07-11-18, 13:44
Hi all,

Just to stick my oar in to the conversation, I HATE FIREWORKS. Full stop. Period. End of story!!!

Where I live has a large asian population and Diwali feels and sounds like living in a war zone. It is not like the fireworks that are let off are even what I would consider standard fireworks, as in the ones that are light up the sky. They are loud, explosive banger-type fireworks that honestly resemble bloody land mines. I do not see how anyone could get any celebratory pleasure out of those things.

At the moment my depression and anxiety has resurfaced and I find the constant bangs outside very disturbing and they set my already raw nerves on edge.

The day before yesterday, some total a**hole was letting them off gone midnight.

IMO, fireworks should only be available for community display purposes/large scale, organised firewok displays, and NOT to private individuals, as frankly they just cannot be trusted to be responsible and considerate to others.

07-11-18, 14:12
Whoa, it's Debs! Welcome back :flowers:

I'm on the doorstep of a large Asian community and our Diwali is more subdued so we must be lucky in this respect.

Sorry to hear it's upsetting your anxiety. Loud noises used to set me off when I was worse or any sudden thing really like jumping if my arm brushed something. Stupidly loud low cc motorbikes that sound like they've got one of Del Boy's broken lawnmower engines in them get on my nerves too. The vibration is felt in your chest and that's not good with anxiety.

Yep, we get the night time idiots. It's like they get back from the pub and start. It's around 12pm and then 2:30am as if it's chucking out time and they've just got in. It's always one or two bangers as well. I swear it's just to wake people up!

07-11-18, 14:19
Thanks Terry. Glad to be back and nice to see you and all. :)

Yep, I cannot stand any loud noises when I am anxious. It is those awful heightened senses that flare when it resurfaces. I can't even have the TV on at a high volume and have to mute adverts. Nightmare.

Yep, I think that booze can fuel these night time explosions. I can picture them doing it just for the laugh...muppets. x

07-11-18, 14:25

It's likely the only bang they're getting...:whistles::winks:

When I had my original breakdown I struggled with TV. Anything exciting was hard. There was one programme that really bothered me and the advert had a loud alarm clock going off. Every time it came on my anxiety went whoosh right up. It was horrible.

07-11-18, 15:25

It's likely the only bang they're getting...:whistles::winks:

LOL :yesyes:

I am hastening a guess that you are very correct there, Terry.

It is a frustration thing, poor souls...:roflmao::roflmao:

07-11-18, 15:59
:roflmao: Yep, the bigger the bang the longer it's probably been. :winks: What about those "multiple" bangers? :ohmy:

Definitely a compensation issue too with the rockets...



07-11-18, 16:30
Cheers Matt. Glad to hear they are ok.

No, it's a temporary contact lens because he has an eye ulcer, quite a bad infection according to the vet. He was taken into doggie hospital and the next day they called us to get him to an eye specialist as he may lose the eye. He was in hospital nearly a week having hourly treatments through the day & night until the last day.

Hes been out over a week now and getting much better but the specialist wanted the lens in a good month if possible. The eye treatments are every 6 hours now but expected to go on for weeks. Antibiotics are finished but still on painkillers.

Luckily it was big but spread out so shallow. If it had been deep the specialist would have been more concerned about whether the eye needed something more invasive. He's very lucky.

Terry, It's horrible when our pets get ill.

Glad he's doing well:yesyes: Sounds expensive? Covered on insurance?

08-11-18, 02:00
Yeah Matt, we've got PetPlan. He's had ops from a pup so we've always kept it there just in case. Due to seeing a specialist we had to pay a 2nd excess of £75. But compared to a week in doggie hospital at about £150 a day, £310 for the specialist consult & treatment (had part of the flap over the eye sheared off and some new meds as well as the lens, the lens was to stop the ulcer bursting), 2 sets of drops, 3 courses of antibiotics including IV, a daily pain killer & anti inflammatory...you can imagine how much all that would have cost! :ohmy:

08-11-18, 14:01
Yeah Matt, we've got PetPlan. He's had ops from a pup so we've always kept it there just in case. Due to seeing a specialist we had to pay a 2nd excess of £75. But compared to a week in doggie hospital at about £150 a day, £310 for the specialist consult & treatment (had part of the flap over the eye sheared off and some new meds as well as the lens, the lens was to stop the ulcer bursting), 2 sets of drops, 3 courses of antibiotics including IV, a daily pain killer & anti inflammatory...you can imagine how much all that would have cost! :ohmy:

Would cost thousands and thousands Terry.

How did he get an eye ulcer? From a scratch, and it got infected?

We've not got our cat's insured, but as they're are 1/2 ragdoll they are kept indoors and we gad them spayed when they were old enough, which takes away future health problems in that area.

08-11-18, 16:39
Yeah, that's why we had our boy done as a pup. It's more important they have a long healthy life.

His breed are prone to eye problems in later life. They build up scar tissue and their eyes fade a bit.

He had been having strange red eyes for a while although they didn't seem to bother him. The vet tried some drops and it went. But once stopped it just came back so they decided to keep him on them. According to the eye specialist this is fine as lone as it doesn't become an ulcer and then that type of drops actually make it worse.

We did notice it stopped helping him a week before. But then he went a bit quiet so we kept an eye on him for a few days and he started to sleep all the time. We were concerned because he's nearly 12 so it could have just been his time. The day before the vets he started getting mucus in that eye more than normal and he kept it shut so we then suspected the eye and maybe an infection. He was still eating and pooing as normal and that's always a good sign.

We don't know how the ulcer started but the specialist said it just happens with that scar tissue build up and could occur anytime in the other eye.

Knowing the eyes can be a problem we knew the insurance was best kept in place.

08-11-18, 22:50
Yeah, that's why we had our boy done as a pup. It's more important they have a long healthy life.

His breed are prone to eye problems in later life. They build up scar tissue and their eyes fade a bit.

He had been having strange red eyes for a while although they didn't seem to bother him. The vet tried some drops and it went. But once stopped it just came back so they decided to keep him on them. According to the eye specialist this is fine as lone as it doesn't become an ulcer and then that type of drops actually make it worse.

We did notice it stopped helping him a week before. But then he went a bit quiet so we kept an eye on him for a few days and he started to sleep all the time. We were concerned because he's nearly 12 so it could have just been his time. The day before the vets he started getting mucus in that eye more than normal and he kept it shut so we then suspected the eye and maybe an infection. He was still eating and pooing as normal and that's always a good sign.

We don't know how the ulcer started but the specialist said it just happens with that scar tissue build up and could occur anytime in the other eye.

Knowing the eyes can be a problem we knew the insurance was best kept in place.

Sounds like he's getting there Terry.

Is he a particular breed?

I can't wait until we're in a position to have a dog. Had a Briard when i was growing up, he was one hell of a dog, a big bear of a dog, he passed in 1996, i still think of him and still have pictures up of him.

09-11-18, 01:40
Yes, he's a Shih Tzu. He's in the pic on my "about me" page. A pic of when he was young is here. His eyes are grey now.


I remember you mentioning about your Briard, I had a Google as I've never heard of them. Beautiful dogs.

09-11-18, 12:32
Yes, he's a Shih Tzu. He's in the pic on my "about me" page. A pic of when he was young is here. His eyes are grey now.


I remember you mentioning about your Briard, I had a Google as I've never heard of them. Beautiful dogs.

Yes i remember your dog now from the pet thread earlier in the year.

What a total beaut! Bet he's full of character?!

The Briard we had was a black one, total nutter until he got to about ten. Don't see many about, my Mum and Dad saw his Mum standing outside a vet's one day, wen't over to talk to the owner, she was due to have a litter and we ended up with one.

10-11-18, 02:51
Yes, he is full of character. He's a very good dog and gets on with everyone. He's never been around other dogs much though so he will play with them but is a bit less confident. He loves people though and will jump all over anyone. They love him down the vets...which he drags us into every time we go.

The only problem we ever have with him is separation anxiety. With my parents being elderly, it's less of a problem to deal with now as there is usually someone in.

10-11-18, 11:43
Yes, he is full of character. He's a very good dog and gets on with everyone. He's never been around other dogs much though so he will play with them but is a bit less confident. He loves people though and will jump all over anyone. They love him down the vets...which he drags us into every time we go.

The only problem we ever have with him is separation anxiety. With my parents being elderly, it's less of a problem to deal with now as there is usually someone in.

Bless him:yesyes:

Any dog i've ever had, goes all stiff and hits reverse as soon as they see the vets. And trying to get my cats in their baskets when they are due a trip to the vet is a nightmare!

10-11-18, 18:34
It seems like the Diwali celebrations are in full swing tonight. It's like mini Bonfire Night.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

Bless him:yesyes:

Any dog i've ever had, goes all stiff and hits reverse as soon as they see the vets. And trying to get my cats in their baskets when they are due a trip to the vet is a nightmare!

Spoke to soon, Matt, Petplan have sent us a letter about them not covering part of it. It's cost £1300 but they won't cover £375. I think they haven't counted the excesses out of that though as the vet sent us a letter too which says it's part payed.

Yeah, cats are bad for the vets. My GF has lots of trouble getting them there. One they used to have a few years back would really go at the vet. He used to ask if it was that one and mention whether he needed his special thicker gloves :biggrin:

At the eye specialists one dog came in and it just faced the door shaking. It wouldn't turn around for the owners. It did start to relax when another dog started sniffing around him.

Most dogs at our vets cower under the chairs. Ours sits there happy as anything. He gets a little shaky when he goes behind the reception desk and out of the treatment rooms into the back where owners can't go if they need to do something private bit he soon gets over it. Otherwise they can stick needles in his neck, thermometers up his bottom and he doesn't flinch. The vet once said they are quite brace dogs as a breed and strong for their size. They all seem to love him down there as he's friendly and never any trouble to treat. Even the practice manager came out of her office once when we took him for a walk (he was staying in hospital though but said we could visit for a bit) and said they all loved him down there.

10-11-18, 19:40
Fireworks Galore here. Eleven dogs in our row of houses. Last week I open the front door, not for long.:mad:I thought they were real guns. Just big bangs very very loud.
I hate the bu--ers.

10-11-18, 21:34
Fireworks also going off where I live tonight, big bangs sounds like guns sometimes.

Hopefully not many are going off where my sister and brother in law, so can get my niece of 1 week and a day to sleep.

11-11-18, 02:01
We had about 3 hours of it. Not as bad as Bonfire Night but still quite a bit.

Magic - I think there was a display on as there was loads going off over the city somewhere around 7pm.

Diwali will finish after 5 days so we may be in for it again tonight as started on Wednesday :mad:

11-11-18, 04:08
I was rather hoping the torrential rain we had here all day and evening would put the buggers off, but no such luck.

It was explosions galore as per.

Didn't seem to bother Del boy (my cat) very much though. He just raised his head up from the sofa, gave the window a dirty look then went back to sleep again.

Note to self: must check my anxiety meds to see if the little blighter got his paws on any.

11-11-18, 05:07
Del Boy. Cracking name! :yesyes:

Is he a cat that barks like a dog? :winks:

Del Boy is used to explosions. Remember the dolls? :roflmao:

Glad to hear he was ok.

11-11-18, 15:49
Del Boy. Cracking name! :yesyes:

Is he a cat that barks like a dog? :winks:

Del Boy is used to explosions. Remember the dolls? :roflmao:

Glad to hear he was ok.


Oh yes! That was epic 'Only Fools'. What a great show that was.

Yep, he never actually responds to his name at all, funnily enough. Not sure he approves of it and would prefer something more cat like such as 'Tiddles'... :D:D:D

11-11-18, 16:28
[QUOTE=MyNameIsTerry;1835786]It seems like the Diwali celebrations are in full swing tonight. It's like mini Bonfire Night.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

Spoke to soon, Matt, Petplan have sent us a letter about them not covering part of it. It's cost £1300 but they won't cover £375. I think they haven't counted the excesses out of that though as the vet sent us a letter too which says it's part payed.

Yeah, cats are bad for the vets. My GF has lots of trouble getting them there. One they used to have a few years back would really go at the vet. He used to ask if it was that one and mention whether he needed his special thicker gloves :biggrin:

At the eye specialists one dog came in and it just faced the door shaking. It wouldn't turn around for the owners. It did start to relax when another dog started sniffing around him.

Most dogs at our vets cower under the chairs. Ours sits there happy as anything. He gets a little shaky when he goes behind the reception desk and out of the treatment rooms into the back where owners can't go if they need to do something private bit he soon gets over it. Otherwise they can stick needles in his neck, thermometers up his bottom and he doesn't flinch. The vet once said they are quite brace dogs as a breed and strong for their size. They all seem to love him down there as he's friendly and never any trouble to treat. Even the practice manager came out of her office once when we took him for a walk (he was staying in hospital though but said we could visit for a bit) and said they all loved him down there.[/QUOTE

The shafters will always get something out of you, still it could've been worse.

Not had any fireworks round my way since last weekend, luckily!

12-11-18, 02:18
[QUOTE=MyNameIsTerry;1835786]It seems like the Diwali celebrations are in full swing tonight. It's like mini Bonfire Night.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

Spoke to soon, Matt, Petplan have sent us a letter about them not covering part of it. It's cost £1300 but they won't cover £375. I think they haven't counted the excesses out of that though as the vet sent us a letter too which says it's part payed.

Yeah, cats are bad for the vets. My GF has lots of trouble getting them there. One they used to have a few years back would really go at the vet. He used to ask if it was that one and mention whether he needed his special thicker gloves :biggrin:

At the eye specialists one dog came in and it just faced the door shaking. It wouldn't turn around for the owners. It did start to relax when another dog started sniffing around him.

Most dogs at our vets cower under the chairs. Ours sits there happy as anything. He gets a little shaky when he goes behind the reception desk and out of the treatment rooms into the back where owners can't go if they need to do something private bit he soon gets over it. Otherwise they can stick needles in his neck, thermometers up his bottom and he doesn't flinch. The vet once said they are quite brace dogs as a breed and strong for their size. They all seem to love him down there as he's friendly and never any trouble to treat. Even the practice manager came out of her office once when we took him for a walk (he was staying in hospital though but said we could visit for a bit) and said they all loved him down there.[/QUOTE

The shafters will always get something out of you, still it could've been worse.

Not had any fireworks round my way since last weekend, luckily!

It looks like an insurance cobble up to me as we checked and our policy easily covers the amounts & types of treatments. So, it's chasing the vet up first and the insurance company if the vet hasn't caused it.

25-11-18, 02:02
Adding this in here as we oftewn don't think about animals like horses:

https://www.change.org/p/office-for-product-safety-and-standards-review-firework-rules-to-protect-animals-from-injury-and-distress/u/23663995?cs_tk=AWJ67qf7p_YUNFba_VsAMWuwJgFjXMkucUz FXXUYhA%3D%3D&utm_campaign=aaa0df590888420ea57ca28213347718&utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_term=cs

24 Nov 2018 —
Stats from the BHS..... These go to government to prove our case. Please always log your accident/incident with BHS here whatever the cause.
Since November 2010.
248 incidents reported to us.
17 horse fatalities resulting from fireworks.
85 horses injured.

This year so far:
42 incidents:
2 horses killed
20 injured.
I have nothing to add to that... Just so unnecessary.
The poor boy in the pic, was so panicked he was running crazy and this happened.

In case the image & update disappear, it shows a poor horse with what looks like a hanging weight scale with the hook stuck in his nose. :weep:

04-07-20, 19:07
Thank you for bringing this point. Just like senior citizens, pets too find noise and the lights of firecrackers terrifying — since they have highly evolved sense of smell and sound. Their anxiety can be for short periods or long after the loud noise. Signs include panting, shaking, yawning, seeking comfort from you, hiding, peeing or pooping or even harming themselves.

If your dog’s discomfort is minor, there are things you can do at home (https://dogwithblog.in/noise-free-diwali/) to help them. No dog should have to live in terror due to fire crackers be it the Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Diwali or New year festivities…

06-07-20, 13:07
A very interesting thread.

I used to love bonfire night when I was younger, even well into my thirties, but nowadays, especially in these more enlightened times, not only do I think bonfires and fireworks are a waste of time and money, a major source of both air and noise pollution, a burden on hospital A & E (ER) depts due to accidents involving bonfires and fireworks (especially when and where booze is also involved), a nightmare for animals and elderly/sensitive persons and a source of anti-social behaviour when let off at inappropriate times, it is in fact celebrating a historical attempted terrorist attack on Parliament (in which Guy Fawkes was the 'terrorist').

I know I'm often critical of whitewashing history, but in this particular instance I think it's now about time that bonfires and fireworks on 5th November should be at the very least restricted to just public displays in controlled environments, rather than 'amateurs' doing them willy-nilly in their own gardens, and even in the street, in the worst-case scenarios.

08-07-20, 10:49
I hate fireworks, always have. My cats hate it as well, poor girlies.

08-07-20, 11:58
We here in Aus haven’t had Cracker night for years they were banned.
I hated them as a kid and still do.All those dollars being spent on fireworks New Years Eve here this year could have been given to the people that lost homes and livelihoods in the terrible bushfires and drought.:mad:

08-07-20, 16:00
Warning! This post contains some satire (but not much).

November the 5th, Bonfire Night, is (or should be, if at all) an echoing reminder that the terrorist cell organised by Roman Catholic Thomas Catesby (fighting against the persecution of Catholicism and for religious emancipation) was thwarted in their attempt at regicide and the bringing down of the government; effectively a celebration of the English Establishment crushing anarchy (or freedom fighters, depending on your perspective and, perhaps, if you’re ‘cake’ or ‘pie’).

Now, that message is all but forgotten and has been replaced by a celebration of that most important mainstay of modern society: competitive conspicuous consumerism. In fact, it is the ultimate display of status, of folks literally having money to burn.

History, eh? Who needs it?

In the latter case, a similar phenomenon to Christmas, (which I still celebrate, in my own special ways), whose original religious context has also generally disappeared into the ether over time amongst the vast majority of the population.

09-07-20, 01:26
Its an interesting thread even being a couple years old. In the current times we live in, celebrating independence regardless of your country's origin is a bit ironic.

4th of July in the States is usually a rather overblown, boisterous and glamorous affair. When it comes to restricting fireworks, that's left up to the states. That said, I don't know of any state's residents that don't like to shoot off fireworks, legal or not, on the 4th.

Where I live, we can sit on our front steps or back deck and see some pretty good fireworks (from locals... illegally ;)). This year was different. A lot less fireworks and a general feeling (my perception) of negativity and sadness. People weren't outside and it just was unusually quiet.

A reflection of the times IMO.

Positive thoughts

09-07-20, 01:40
Our neighborhood sounded like a war zone this year. Most of the large commercial displays around my city were cancelled due to Covid. And although they’re illegal to possess or shoot off in my city, I’m pretty sure every neighbor bought a cache of them lol. They don’t really bother me, or my dogs - but we live in a pretty tight neighborhood with houses fairly close together. So the risks of fires is high, especially when people shoot off the giant mortars and such. Got lucky this year, knock on wood. No houses burned down.

11-07-20, 15:17
Its an interesting thread even being a couple years old. In the current times we live in, celebrating independence regardless of your country's origin is a bit ironic.

4th of July in the States is usually a rather overblown, boisterous and glamorous affair. When it comes to restricting fireworks, that's left up to the states. That said, I don't know of any state's residents that don't like to shoot off fireworks, legal or not, on the 4th.

Where I live, we can sit on our front steps or back deck and see some pretty good fireworks (from locals... illegally ;)). This year was different. A lot less fireworks and a general feeling (my perception) of negativity and sadness. People weren't outside and it just was unusually quiet.

A reflection of the times IMO.

Positive thoughts

This was the opposite for us in Maryland. It was non-stop fireworks like I've never heard before! They were coming from every direction starting July 3 and going until July 5. We got a professional scale show from our deck as people set off the most amazing fireworks about 50 yards away in the soccer field behind our house. There were no official fireworks shows in my area this year, so I think everyone took it into their own hands. It was was depressing to not have the usual get-togethers though.

06-11-20, 23:59
I 'm a bit late to this one, but I'd definitely support legislation to restrict or even ban the so-called "percussive" fireworks, such as aerial bombs and rocket bangers, that can make one's neighbourhood sound like a war zone at this time of year. One time around Guy Fawkes Night in the early 90s, when I lived in Tunbridge Wells, I was out walking in the evening and got so stressed out from all the bangers and aerial bombs that were being set off that I had to get a taxi home.

I don't want to be a killjoy about this because I have happy memories of Bonfire Night from my childhood, with hot dogs, coconut ice, penny for the Guy - and yes, fireworks too - but why have they gotten so LOUD nowadays?

07-11-20, 00:29
These days I hate them. They're definitely louder than they were. Those big boom fireworks should not be allowed for personal use. They should be kept for professional displays.

The majority of back garden displays are terrible. It's a waste of money. I don't want to be that kill joy either because I do enjoy a professional show, the atmosphere, the smell of fire and food smells etc. I do love me a bit of that.

07-11-20, 17:55
I 'm a bit late to this one, but I'd definitely support legislation to restrict or even ban the so-called "percussive" fireworks, such as aerial bombs and rocket bangers, that can make one's neighbourhood sound like a war zone at this time of year. One time around Guy Fawkes Night in the early 90s, when I lived in Tunbridge Wells, I was out walking in the evening and got so stressed out from all the bangers and aerial bombs that were being set off that I had to get a taxi home.

I don't want to be a killjoy about this because I have happy memories of Bonfire Night from my childhood, with hot dogs, coconut ice, penny for the Guy - and yes, fireworks too - but why have they gotten so LOUD nowadays?

I'm not quite sure 'consumer' fireworks are really any louder nowadays or that we've become more hypersensitive to them, and inadvertently, our tolerance of them is lesser now compared to when we were much younger and perhaps a lot more carefree, so probably didn't at the time give it as much as a second thought.

08-11-20, 01:22
I'm not quite sure 'consumer' fireworks are really any louder nowadays or that we've become more hypersensitive to them, and inadvertently, our tolerance of them is lesser now compared to when we were much younger and perhaps a lot more carefree, so probably didn't at the time give it as much as a second thought.

Modern research in explosives means big explosions in smaller packets. I think there's a pill for that too.

08-11-20, 02:31
Feel free to sign the original petition. I get regular updates and she is still pushing for more legislation.

It's even relevant to us. Loud bangs make us jump but there are also those with PTSD who are triggered into flashbacks (veterans, for instance) so change would be good.

Given governments have regulated the decibels a hoover can output, a pointless attempt at noise reduction, you would think private fireworks would be on the list.

Whilst like others I have gone memories it's perhaps time to move towards event only fireworks. The same for religious celebration. We have so many more outlets for our stimulation needs today that it will soon be forgotten.

They are definitely louder than in my childhood days. Some you can buy now remind me of the commercial ones years ago.

10-11-20, 09:12
Thanks for replying.

I think they're louder now than they were in the 60s. Louder than the early 90s, which was when I first started to have a problem with them? I'm not sure, maybe not.

14-11-20, 18:52
Thanks for this thread Terry, I've only just seen it. Lexie our black lab has spent the last two weeks in a state of fear. One night the 6th I think, some locals had a huge firework knees up and I thought she might have a heart attack. She was trying to get behind the sofa. I think a new law restricting fireworks to the 5th and that's it. That's how it was when I was a kid and like Pain said earlier, the original reason for fireworks on 5th November has been buried under an avalanche of money spinning.

In fact I just heard some now and its what, the 14th??