View Full Version : Scared of MS

30-10-18, 13:01
Hi everyone,

I posted a couple of weeks ago about ALS and seeing all of the responses really helped me.

I've visited with a nurse practitioner since last posting and it was determined that I have tendinitis in both forearms which can, at points, be a pain. On and off over the last 7(ish) months, I've been experiencing neck & back pain, shaking in my hands when trying to text/do anything precise, and I've had pain in my shins after going for a walk. I also clench my teeth in the worst way during the night and that really gives me neck issues first thing in the morning. The only other thing that is possibly related is that I've had an increase in eye floaters.

I have really severe health anxiety that could (and likely is) causing this, but I can't help but feel like these are causes of something like MS. I know that MS isn't the worst possible issue to have, but anything at age 25 feels much too young.

Thank you!

30-10-18, 13:05
You don't have MS either :lac: What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

30-10-18, 13:10
I've been seeing a therapist bi-weekly since sometime in May and I'm also taking 10 mg of Lexapro. I had been doing well for a bit but things seem to change so quickly!

Thanks for the quick response. I was on the verge of calling my doctor to set up another appt.