View Full Version : Any help appreciated!

30-10-18, 14:24
Hey, guys!

I'm a 24 year old female who's in good health. Or so I think, but my doubts are why I'm here. I eat relatively healthy, I don't smoke, I walk a lot, and I'm a good weight for my height.

About a month and a half ago, I found a lump on the right side of my neck, super high up. Like it's under my jaw, really, just under where your neck meets your jawbone, if that makes any sense. It feels as though it's on my throat cartilage because I can push my cartilage from side to side and the lump moves with it. It also 'pops' more into the centre of my throat when I push on it when my head is turned. I've felt it more when I relax my head to the side it's on, and it kinda feels long. Not so much a lump - just a hard, long mass. Can't see it at all, but can only really feel it when I turn my head, so it's pretty deep in there.

Saying that, I went to the doctor about it a few weeks ago. She asked me about weight loss, loss of appetite, night sweats etc. I haven't experienced any of those. No pain, either. My old doctor noticed that my throat looked swollen a few years back and I was sent for bloods and an ultrasound on my thyroid, both of which came back clean. So the new doctor said she didn't think it was anything to worry about, but to keep an eye on it and go back to her if it was any bigger.

It's now been a month and a half or about that, and it's stayed the same size. No bigger, but no smaller.

Should I go back just in case? She didn't tell me what it could be, she just felt it and looked at my medical history and said she didn't think I should worry. No bloods or anything like that.

What could it be? Just cartilage? I feel fine in myself - haven't had any sickness or anything in ages. I don't have a cough, but I've had a throat-clearing tic since I was about 8. Can't feel any lumps anywhere else, apart from one on my clavicle but I'm pretty sure that's just bone.


30-10-18, 14:42
Well, heres something to consider.......I am 50 years old. I have on one side of my neck/throat kind of what you are describing. From what you are saying its in practically the same place, where neck meets jaw and on the left side. I can press the long hard area that goes downwards to towards my oeseophagus. You can't 'see' it as such, but if I put my head up and turn it to one side I can feel it clearly. Its always there and has been since I was 19 years old. The cause? I had a really bad wisdom tooth infection that lasted weeks and weeks with my glands up and swelling on that side. (Iwas clever enough to not get it treated) I believe it is from an extended period of gland activity and swelling in response to the infection, it just....er... never went back to normal. It hasn't changed in any way, and just IS. I thought of this when I read that you'd had a throat infection some time ago? Could it be similar to my reason, an infection that left an enlarged glandular/fibrosis type of area? I think of mine as like an internal scar.

I think if you've noticed no change, and she said to come back if there was a change, I'd just leave and monitor for now if it was me.