View Full Version : Fatty tissue/ lump

30-10-18, 18:19
Im going through a really hard time recently and just seem to be worrying about everything! Im carrying slightly more weight than i need to, so not the thinnest person. For years now, ive had this bump just in the space at the bottom of my breast and top of my stomach. Is visible, looks almost like a fat roll? Its squishy inside but has like a hard feel to it and hurts when i touch it. Ive had it for so long that I've never really thought of it till my anxiety started playing up.
Ive got it in my head that its cancer which has spread to other parts of my body and im about to die. Please someone get me out this spiral.

30-10-18, 18:24
Ive had it for so long that I've never really thought of it till my anxiety started playing up.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

30-10-18, 18:36
I have gained about 6 stone since having my son 8 years ago and gradually developed these lumps all over my body. Everywhere I have fat I have lumps. They started in my breast area and I was under breast clinic 3 times and also a dermatologist who all told me it was fatty tissue. Having it for 5 years I wouldn’t be concerned. But I know it’s easier said than down. My HA is pakying up so bad just now and I’m convinced I’ll be one of the rare stories of people on here who actually is right and has a serious illness. I genuinely wouldn’t worry about your lump though. Maybe a lipoma or just fatty rissue

30-10-18, 18:42
Thank you so much. The only thing thats keeping my mind slightly at bay is the fact I've had it so long and it hasnt changed in the slightest. I really do hate this. I feel so stupid.

30-10-18, 19:09
DOnt feel stupid. We are all in the same boat. I’ve had a swollen lymph node in my neck for 3 years also and have fears about lymphoma but my main fear is cervical cancer just now although last week it was skin cancer and brain tumor. They are all always there and I know it’s not physically possible to have them all but I do have symptoms that could be signs of all of them. The brain is a most extraordinary source of evil at times. I think the lump you have especially being in the place it is is nothing to worry about. We all seek reassurance from each other. That’s part of the illness unfortunately. But our worries won’t go until we get appropriate help whatever that may be.

30-10-18, 20:18
Yes! I have lumps just like that, same area. They are tender to press on. I also have a few on my side under my armpit.

30-10-18, 22:53
Hi there, I know how you feel, I’m going through a similar thing at the moment, where I have had something for ages but my health anxiety has flared and is focusing on that one area of my body and it’s really hard trying to convince you head that it’s something normal, give it time you will get over this, it’s just your normal, you have had it ages so it’s just a harmless part of your body, try not to keep checking, that seems to make anxiety worse, easier said than done, but you are fine and you will get over this xxx