View Full Version : Sick and miserable - sharing some self talk

31-10-18, 14:37
I’ve had an allergic cough for the past month or so, so when I started to get a scratchy throat I figured it was just that continuing. Got my flu shot, but the same day the cough started getting worse. Yesterday I started with a fever, and didn’t have enough to eat so wound up with a headache. Went though the chills and sweats last night. And my period just started.

All that to say I am in the perfect storm of sickly ooginess that wreaks havoc with health anxiety. Questions running through my mind about what is causing what, wait doesn’t this combination of symptoms equal something horrible, checking my temperature too often, anxiety about taking too much medication or not enough, what if this doesn’t get better, etc. It’s all made worse by the past month being very stressful, for good and bad reasons.

So I’m doing my best to relax, sleep off and on, get some food into me, take the minimum dosage of medicine when I’m feeling uncomfortable, and avoid Dr. Google.

I just wanted to post this because I know cold and flu season is a crap time for all of us. And I’m someone who is doing okay on the HA front. But it’s still tough sometimes, even if you’ve done the modules, even if you’ve been okay for awhile. But I can attest to the fact that what worked before - whether meditation, challenging thoughts, breathing, or delaying worrying - will work again.

Just keep working on it, and everything will be alright. Being sick sucks, being sick with HA thrown into the mix sucks worse. So let’s all take good care of ourselves. :hugs:

10-01-19, 02:00
Bumping this because it's one of those 'positive' posts that so often slip through the net (easily done in HA Forum).

Your wise owl has good advice regarding non-anxiety symptoms becoming exacerbated by HA, which is always on the prowl for errant signs and symptoms, and then being mistaken for a sinister (and usually deadly) disease :lac:

10-01-19, 02:44
I just saw this! KK77 is right, this is a really missed post!

10-01-19, 08:29
Bumping this because it's one of those 'positive' posts that so often slip through the net (easily done in HA Forum).

Your wise owl has good advice regarding non-anxiety symptoms becoming exacerbated by HA, which is always on the prowl for errant signs and symptoms, and then being mistaken for a sinister (and usually deadly) disease :lac:

Very insightful comment on a great post from EKB!