View Full Version : Blood Test Results!

31-10-18, 20:58
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well. Let me start off by saying that I've come a far way with my anxiety but I still have my flare ups. I still get nervous everytime I need to get a physical and I got one on Monday. The results are in and everything was perfect according to my GP except my ALT LEVEL!

My ALT was 79 and the range is supposed to be 7-60. My AST was 38 which is considered normal but Im just terrified that I have a liver issue. I looked at my results last year when i had a full CBC and my ALT was 25. My nurse doesnt seemed concerned one bit. She said my doctor will be in tomorrow but she has no issues with my blood work and doesnt think the doc will either. Im a normal 28 year old male, 163lbs so not overweight at all. I have no other knows medical issues. He also ran an ECG and that was normal too.

HELP!!!!! Does anyone have any insight on this. I must mention that Im a moderate/light drinker and I did go out drinking two nights before I got the blood test.

31-10-18, 21:01
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well. Let me start off by saying that I've come a far way with my anxiety but I still have my flare ups. I still get nervous everytime I need to get a physical and I got one on Monday. The results are in and everything was perfect according to my GP except my ALT LEVEL!

My ALT was 79 and the range is supposed to be 7-60. My AST was 38 which is considered normal but Im just terrified that I have a liver issue. I looked at my results last year when i had a full CBC and my ALT was 25. My doctor doesnt seemed concerned one bit since he knows Im a moderate drinker. Im a normal 28 year old male, 163lbs so not overweight at all. I have no other knows medical issues. He also ran an ECG and that was normal too.

HELP!!!!! Does anyone have any insight on this.

Liver functions change regularly, and yours isn’t that high really. Usually they’ll have you come back in a few weeks for a re-test, and often it’s back to normal by that time.

31-10-18, 21:08
Thank you for responding. I guess I have to wait and see if he thinks I should come back in.

31-10-18, 22:12
I too had a blood test that showed elevated ALT. I was tested again a month later and it had fallen back to normal. Most likely a by-product of a boozy week in Paris laden with good food in my case, a week or so prior to the test.