View Full Version : tenderness/aching around armpit

24-08-07, 23:15
i have had this tenderness/aching feeling just by my armpit for nearly 2 weeks. it feels as if someone's picking me up by the armpit or pulling at the muscle or something like that... and although it doesn't hurt it feels weird and annoying and i'm sure it's making my arm a bit numb.

has anyone else had this? any reassurance would be much appreciated because it's such a weird feeling that i've never had before :(

sally xxx

28-08-07, 13:51
Hi Sally,

I don't know whether this will be relevant as I don't know how old you are, however I sometimes get a tenderness in my armpits during the second half of my menstrual cycle and I am certain that it is the progesterone that also makes my boobs tender, I also feel it in my armpits. Is it the second half of your cycle, after you would have expected to ovulate?

Anyway just a thought - I never noticed mine before I started charting my fertility signs as I am trying to conceive, now I notice I get it most months.

28-08-07, 15:04
You do have glands under your armpit!!!!! that may it. Or possibly due to your menstrual cycle. If you are worried check it out with your GP- thats what they are there for!

29-08-07, 17:09
I have tender underarms, too, plus some lumps. Doctor couldn't find the lumps, however, and said they're probably fatty tissue.

I haven't noticed what time of the month this happens, but I wouldn't be surprised that it's hormonal!

30-08-07, 14:35
I have had this several times, usually it's an ingrown hair or a gland that got blocked. I have even gone to the Doctor several times when I have had this problem and they always have told me it's nothing. Don't worry - it will pass.
Hang in there - I know it's hard not to worry - when you feel like it's consuming you.

30-08-07, 21:01
thank you everyone for your help and advice! it has pretty much passed now - made me realise that my anxiety was making it worse! plus whatever's causing it can't be that serious because it comes and goes and although it causes me discomfort, it doesn't cause me a lot of pain.
