View Full Version : Dull ache in arm

02-11-18, 10:27
Hi everyone!
I wonder if anyone has had this symptom before, and what it could be? It's a dull ache in my left arm, up on the middle of my outer bicep, and kind of goes down into my inner elbow and aches a little bit in my wrist. It's not even pain as such, like a dull ache. I had nerve pain in my knee a while ago and it feels like that, like a dull toothache.

First (of course!) I thought I must have heart problems, so I went to the Dr and they said there was nothing wrong with my heart, but this was a while ago now so I can feel myself getting into the cycle of panic again about it.

I do notice it more when I'm walking - my route out of home is up a hill (which is why I thought it was my heart) but then I wouldn't say the feeling stops when I'm at home doing other things. I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel some time ago, but it comes and goes and usually just hurts in my wrist. Could it be that?

I'd love to hear if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms. I'm on my own a lot, and then my mind starts to worry about it.

Thank you :)

Edited to add: I just realised I use this arm to hold my phone while I type/scroll with my right, which might be it?

04-11-18, 17:47
Yeah, I get some dull ache in my arm sometimes, goes to the back of my neck or back. Sometimes it feels tired, other times its in my leg or changes sides.

Have you tried some stretching excercise? I tend to look on Youtube and I try some excercises or yoga to see if they work. Try it for a month or when thd pain ends, see how it goes.

Could be a trapoed nerve or something like that, ormuscle related. Anxiety can make it last long too, your mind tends to look fof it to check if its still there, causing it to appear again.

If you had heart problems the doctor would know, you'd get a range of symptoms.

You could try physiotherapy if you want, or a massage.

05-11-18, 12:37
Thanks for your reply! Yes, the doctor checked a few things when I went in with my heart - I forgot that!

I'm going to use that arm less - my elbow is bent a lot when I'm typing/using my phone and that's the arm I have carpal tunnel in too. I think it's to do with that. Thanks for the ideas, I'll look up some exercises - and I do know that when I think about it I feel the ache come on, even if it wasn't there before. Anxiety is a pain, literally!

Thanks so much.