View Full Version : Chest pains

02-11-18, 14:56
Hi all.

Here today to ask about sort of transient chest,back,rib pains and tightness.

I recently stopped vaping about a month ago. Before that I was having a lot of health anxiety about lung cancer because of ongoing shoulder pain. I had a really bad anxiety attack at work that seemed to create this massive knotting pain in my right pec area. Went to the urgent Care and got a chest x ray that came back all clear. No masses or pleural effusion found is what they told me.

I immediately quit vaping because I felt putting things into my lungs was not a good way to go about life if I'm constantly worried about lung cancer. My father died from lung cancer when I was young and he was a heavy smoker.

Anyways. These chest pains I'm having now seem somewhat transient. They come and go, they can move from left side of ribs to right shoulder blade, my right side. This all started to pick up once I quit vaping, and I also removed my Lexapro from my diet as well. I'm thinking it's costo chondritis because I did develop a bit of a rough after I quit. But my mind always wants to worry about lung cancer even though I got a clear chest x ray.. anyone gone through something similar...


03-11-18, 15:46
Anyone..? Super anxious over here.

03-11-18, 16:04
Over the past 7 months I have lived in utter agony worrying about my health. My doctor tried to put me on Lexapro, and in the beginning it seemed to help but the side effects became too much for me to bare.

No I am just constantly worrying about illness after illness. At first it was my stomach, than my esophagus, then my lymphnodes, now it's lung cancer. Every ache and pain I get I seem to exacerbate by honing in on it and subconsciously tensing the area until it really becomes a problem.

I've been having chest and back pain for the past month or so along with shoulder pain. Sometimes it hurts when I breathe out I find if I just move in weird ways it hurts. Like I am pretty sure it's just musculoskeletal but my mind is always what if it's this or that etc. And it's just a black hole I spiral down until I become absolutely convinced I am going to die. Please. Anyone that has been here, give me some advice.


03-11-18, 16:05
Sounds like Health Anxiety:


03-11-18, 16:06

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